recovery and regen on a tight budget

hey guys,

Im the S&C coach for a rugby club in vancouver. we have a fairly limited budget. the strength and conditioning aspect is already accounted for, however I have lets say about 350 bucks left for recov and regen. Foam Rollers/ PVC Piping+semi soft wrap for the surface of the piping, and 10 77L rubbage bins for ice baths.

is there anything else any of you guys could think of for such a small budget??? thanks for any help.


Do you know massage yourself? That, while very labor and time intensive, would be an option.

On that small of a budget for a team, that sounds about all you could do. There are a lot of inexpensive options that aren’t very realistic in a team setting (ie epsom salt baths) unless you give it to them as homework.

I think things like Fraid Nots (a really good quality, inexpensive stretching rope) are good to make sure guys are stretching. They’re also really cheap and will last a long long time.

Maybe some heat rub or an EMS machine for injury situations? That’s debatable.

Hot/cold showers! They’re no fun but they really help.

What is the relationship/tradeoff between ice baths and contrast showers? Are they simply equal alternatives? Or is one more appropriate after HI workouts and the other after LI?

I favour the contrast showers as they are easier to set up as you need only a shower , involve the full body as well as the head.
In some locations the cold is not cold enough but that’s never a problem here as the water comes from Lake Ontario, which is 900 ft deep and never gets warm.

I live in texas and I thought the cold in my cold showers were cold.

Aaaand then I went to Toronto in August 2007, and HOLY SH@# those showers are cold!!! I thought I was going to convulse and fall over. It has a real kick.

I sadly feel as if my contrast showers here in TX have no purpose now…

Try swimming in Berg Lake (named because parts of the glacier that feed it break off and float around in it) underneath Mount Robson. That is cold!