RB34 Comeback Program

100: 11.13 - 0 wind
200: 22.80 - 0 wind
Fri: PM
Hc 3x2x185
Sq 2x1x345
Bp+Ham row 3x245 2x265 2x275

Overall shit meet, start to rain in warm-ups didn’t have anyone holding my blocks so I had problems coming out of the blocks. After the race I thought I ran at least 10.9 because I was with the top two guys the whole race and blew out a guy who has edge me out twice this year, for some reason everyone ran slower this meet in the 100. Overall I am not happy with my progress in the 100m, I am so inconsistent etc. Next race is on Thursday, plan for this week.

Sat-Sun: rest
Mon: Easy workout
Tue: rest
Wed: Full warm-up
Thur: PM race

Putting on 30lbs while lowering your BF % is a serious undertaking. If you drop 10lbs of fat, which is reasonable with your current numbers, then you’ll need to put on 40lbs of muscle. That is a massive amount - what is your time frame for doing this?

Warmup C
3x30 3pt
throws x5
BP 2x2x275

My spring season is coming towards an end on Thursday and my body needs the 2 weeks rest that is to follow. My summer season will open May 31 and will go through August.

Im pretty much through with track. I have a championship meet this Thursday and then I graduate from school and probably join a club sometime next year. Im giving myself until February/March of next year.

Right now Im cutting because, obviously, it’s hitting beach season. Come September, it’s all mass. So from September-February/March would be 6-7 months which would mean I’d gain an average of 5-6 lbs of muscle, which is average and I’d be around 170-175 which wouldn’t be bad assuming I drop that 10 lbs of fat.

15mins sauna
Tried a cold shower but wasn’t able to finish!

Warm-up Z + 3-4x20 builds

After the quick warm-up I had get a fresh hair cut for tomorrow which took about 2hrs since I didn’t schedule ahead of time! Thursday should be a big meet, good comp and big crowd, I usually run very well in big meets and will need to run a season best to advance to finals Thursday night. I am schedule to run the 100-200-4x100 but may drop the 200 since it will take place around 9pm. To be honest I welcome the challenge and will only worry about the things I can control.

On the down side, I have a 2.5hr road trip!!

I am in lane 6 for the 100 and 1 for the 200. The way they have finals setup someone running 11.5 will probably make finals leaving someone in the 10.9-11.0 out of the mix.

I didn’t do much before leaving besides resting, watching 100m vid and taking Charlie advice and performing pushups, sit-ups, stretching, and mobility work before leaving.

The drive wasn’t that bad; once I got to the track I spent about 15mins or so performing more pushups, sit-ups, and mobility work which helped a ton. I then performed my normal warm-up but made sure I performed 1-2x70-80m sprints before my race. I was so hype at the meet because it was a big meet and had tons of hott girls which always help.:slight_smile:

Now to the race, I had an empty lane next to me because the guy didn’t show. I felt really strong in prelims but tighten up towards the end when I felt my friend creeping up on me.

After the race I found out they wasn’t allowing unattached athletes to race in finals.:frowning: I found out 10mins before finals that they would allow me to race so I did some quick acc and got into the blocks, I didn’t have my normal quick start but I hit another gear at around 20m, towards the end of the race I lean at the 90m mark then had to accelerate again which cost me from reaching 10.87-10.93. The track was new and they decided to run the 100m in the other direction, there was three white lines at the finish line that threw off several athletes.

Warming up for the 200m my calf muscles starting to cramp up from all the bouncing around etc similar to what happen at the meet where I pulled my hamstring, I ran the 200m but around 80m or so my calf’s started to give me problems and I couldn’t acc any longer.

Prelims: 100: 11.04 -3.1 headwinds (equal 10.81)

Finals: 100: 11.15 not sure about the headwind.

Finals: 200: 23.05 -0.4

Overall I think all the 200’s are starting to pay off because my 100m feels strong! I think its funny that everyone keeps calling me “big guy” when I only weigh 182-185. LOL

pc: 3x2x185
sq: 2x1x345
bp/seated row: 2x2x275/2x6

Today should have been a rest day but I didn’t want to go a long time period without squatting and have problems with soreness next week when I start training hard.

My body feels like shit, I am sore all over and don’t feel well at all.

Sat/Sun and maybe Mon will be rest days!!!

Hey… When I’m feeling shit I feel better for some aerobic work than pure rest. Just real light work…

My body responds best to rest after a meet, also I use tempo work more so for work capacity, general fitness, and weight control. I am not sure how much tempo work helps with recovery esp. when you are not 150lbs.

warmup C
2x40-50-60 3pt
mb height 3x5 (very explosive)
pc 3x2x185
bp+row 245x3 275x2 275x2

Overall very good workout today, I had a tailwind so the runs were very fast and I had to tone it down towards the end because my left hamstring got fatigue. My next speed session won’t be until Friday, I will continue to monitor the hamstring.

Warm-up W
6x150 walk back rec (Done on outdoor track)

Easy tempo session today, my Coach and I have decided to stick with two speed sessions (1x this week/1x next week) over the next 2 weeks so the body can recovery from last week races. I am thinking it will probably take 14-21 days for my body to recovery 100%.

I’d try to get massage as often as you can during this time.

Good idea, will look into this tomorrow.

Wed: off

warm-up A
10x100 run 100/walk 100 (outdoor track)

Friday will be heavy tempo along with MB and weights.

Warm-up A
Height 4x5
Ohb 4x5
4x200 (without shoes on grass)
Pc 3x2x185
BS 2x1x345
BP 5x135/3x185/1x225/1x245/1x275/5x185
Pull-ups 2-3x6

In warm-ups my body felt stiff but things improved as I got into the throws and tempo runs. I forgot my straps at home so I decided to do power cleans instead of hang cleans. The bench press felt horrible today, the weight didn’t feel heavy but I had to give so much effort on each rep, I wanted to do 10reps at 185 but stopped after 5. Reasons why the BP felt horrible today:

1: High frequency, three BP workouts in one week.

2: The high vol throws and tempo runs before the lifting.

3: CNS is still trying to recover.

4: Off day!

  • Right groin is very tight.

warmup Z
6x150 20-22sec/rest 3-3.5min
core x100

Overall a very good session, body is starting to feel better. I have a tune up meet this Sunday, training for rest of the week:

Tue: rest
Wed: Speed
Thur: full wup
Fri: rest
Sat: short wup
Sun: 100m

Warm-up C
2x30 3pt
1x150 standing
Pc 3x2x185
Bp+pullups 225x3 245x2 285x2 + 3x10

The workout was performed at 930am and the weather was shit (cloudy, windy, and 45 degrees). The 30’s felt good but the 150 felt dirt slow because I ran into a headwind with long pants and small Under Amour jacket. The left hamstring felt kind of tight around 50m of the 150 but I think the weather played a major role with the hamstring. I plan on racing this Sunday but if the hamstring feels tight in warm-ups I shut it down and wait till June 7. Overall the weights felt explosive and light!

warmup W
STJ 1-3x


warmup A
MB throws x5

I am not expecting much today because this is a small meet and I went out partying last night along with other things. :mad:

I hate the mid west! The weather was actually nice, sunny and 80-85 degrees with major head winds. When I arrived at the meet the meet director told me they were ahead of schedule and I would only have 30-35mins to warm-up, so I rushed through my warm-ups to find out that the older athletes would race later so I had another 30-45mins to play around.

The race felt so easy; the distance felt short similar to a 55-60m, I feel very strong right now and know for a fact that all the 200m races are starting to pay off. This was the first race that I kept tech throughout the whole 100m, I’m thinking it was from me slowing down towards the end of the race once I knew I had the victory. BOOOOO…

Meet Results:
10.94 (with major headwinds)
Hang Clean 3x2x185
Back squats 2x1x345
Bench press + Ham row 3x245, 3x265 + 2x8
Decline sit-ups bwx15, 25x15, 25x15

Big Race next Sunday!!!

Upcoming Week:
Mon/Tue: rest
Wed: Full warm-up
Thur: starts
Fri: rest
Sat: short warm-up
Sun: 100

I should have another 5-6 meets for my summer season but not sure about the dates, hopefully I will know by Friday.