RB34 Comeback Program

Warmup A
2x20 3pt
throws x5

The weather suppose to be mid 50’s and rain - oh well it’s time to improve on these times…

11.31 -2.8 headwind
23.24 -2.5 headwind

I am happy with these times because the conditions (head wind/50 degrees) was not the best, the times above probably equal 10.98-11.04 for the 100m and 22.90-23.00 for the 200m.

Sun-Mon: Rest

Tue: 210
Warm-up C
Throws 2x5
2x30 3pt
1x150 3pt/30m
Pc 3x2x185
Jump squats 3x5x65
Bp+lat Pd 2+2x1/3x8

Good workout the sprints and weights were very easy… Found out today that the meet I planned on attending are not accepting unattached athletes, so I have to drive 2.5hrs Saturday morning if I want to race. :mad:

warmup W
Treadmill runs: 8 sets/30sec/2%incline/10mph

The plan today was 6x100 tempo runs on field turf but the weather wouldn’t allow me to get outdoors. Overall the body feels decent but I am not looking forward to the 2.5hr drive this Saturday. :mad:

Thursday will be a rest day and Friday neural session.

good job on the 100m, thats a very good time with that kind of wind!

Thanks man, I’m trying my best to pr which would be a miracle with all the injuries that hinder my training last fall etc.

warmup A
2x20 3pt
throws x5

Not a very good day, very very stressful…

What did you do to loosen up and warm-up after driving 2.5 hours before a competition?

Very long day and I’m pissed I didn’t get a chance to race at my original meet because they had strong tailwinds (+4.0) and the coach allowed unattached athletes to run but for some reason wouldn’t allow me. Didn’t get much sleep last night; I went to bed around 2am and got up around 8am. The drive to the meet was really relaxing and I had a chance to reflect on many issues going on in my life etc. When I arrived at the meet I felt very hungry and my blood sugar felt low; felt like an anxiety attack so I ate a package of fruit snacks and peanuts about an hour before my race; I know don’t ask me why – but I did. LOL

I misjudge my warm-up time and had to rush through the final stages but overall I felt pretty good. The temp for the 100m was high 40’s and for the 200 mid 50’s. I think I could have gone much faster if Friday wasn’t so stressful and if my girlfriend didn’t want so much loving this week.

100: 11.03
200: 22.90
Strength workout: 730 pm
Hc 3x2
BS 2x1x345 (Decrease to 2x1 after having a long day)
Bp+pullups 3 2 2

Next week I will go 10.9 and final regular season meet I will be looking to post high 10.8, then let it rip for my championship meet in June, for the 200m I would like to hit 22.50-22.60.

I wasn’t clicking on all cylinders today like I was last week; I had a tough time getting my quad loose and it hinder my 100m time. I also didn’t do a good job executing my race in the 100m but was determined to put together a nice 200m race.

Jog and other locomotive drills for 10mins
Quick static stretching hold for 10sec
Dym mobility work 15-18 drills for 10reps
Mach drills
Builds in trainers
Hurdle hops
Bungee starts
3pt starts in trainers
Went outdoors: 1x30/1x60 in spikes

My Vastus medialis is sore from the cramps I caught in my warm-up for the 200m also my quad is very tight today. The plan is to rest Sunday-Monday, short workout on Tuesday, rest on Wednesday, short neural session on Thursday, and race 1/2 on Friday.

Tue: 140
warmup C
2x30 3pt
pc 3x2x185
jump squat 2x5x65
bp+lat pd 3 3

Overall the sprints felt fast and very easy, the quad was very tight on all the sprints. Can’t wait to race again, wish I could race every other day. :slight_smile:

warmup Z
throws x5
Builds x2
2x20 3pt submax

Overall good workout, should be a good race on Friday the fastest seeded time is 10.54 the weather has a 50% chance of rain in the PM. I also got some great news this morning, I will be able to add another 5 meets to my summer schedule which is great, I should know the dates by mid next week!!!

I would like to run a couple 400’s this summer any ideas on changes I will need to make to my training if any at all?

Maybe make the focus more 200, with races etc. you seem to have raced in a lot of 200s, so shouldn’t be too much of an issue. I may add some race modeling, as explained in about every other post by KK in the Lacate Threshold thread. Check around page 7 to start. The bulk is from page 7-30.

Thanks, I will check it out now.

I would include one day of race modeling into your training. It can be as simple as 1x (200+200) to start, build up to 2-3x(200+200) and work back down as the end of season nears. Its more intensive type of work, but it does help get a feel for 400 racing.

Boy Oh Boy the weather is shit it’s dark and look like it’s gonna storm anytime now. Gonna try and head out in the next 30-45mins.

100: 5pm
200: 545

damn bro, you weren’t lying when you said you’re a pretty big dude. 5’7" and 200 is big…whats your BF%?

If you’re around 15-20% like me, then I shouldnt be making any excuses and I should start getting my ass moving and run times like you!!

I am 180-185lbs these days! Don’t think I was 15-20% probably more like 9-10% if I had to guess, when I had it tested it was 7-8% but I’m sure that wasn’t true.

AH!!! I doubt Im going to do track in college, but I still love sprinting. Im bulking up to that weight as a matter of fact. 185-190s is my goal. I am 153-155 right now with a near visible 4 pack when I suck some air in haha. Last I checked, I was @ 16.4%, Im still trying to lower my BF. I need more help via supps. I just do it the natural way, solid intake lol.