RB34 Comeback Program

Today was an OK day; I ran 11.17 in the 100 and 23.25 in the 200. I was a late add to the 200m because the coach forgot to enter me yesterday so I was in the slowest heat lane 7; the next athlete to me was 23.97. I am extremely happy with these times because my quad is not close to being an 100% and I may have to get therapy sooner then I original had planned. Also my execution for the 100m was PISSED POOR, HORRIABLE – SHITTY- UNACCEPTABLE!!!

After the meet I went to the gym and had a quick lift:

High hc 5x2 155-195
Rev lunge 2x5x155
BP+ham row 3x5x225/3x6x315
Aux lifts:
Pull-ups 3x8
Cable curls 3x12
Fr/lat raises 3x10

I have planned to do ext tempo work tomorrow morning (5x200 rest 2mins), depending how my body feel I may do intensive tempo (5x200 rest 4-5mins). Also next week I am planning on doing a very tough SE workout on Monday and a short speed on Wednesday, like I mention earlier I am training through all these early meets and trying to go big at the end of the season!

Do the heat rub and plastic bag. It will help loosen things up.

Would you recommend for me to go see my ART guy? It’s been three weeks since I have seen him for my hamstring and it was only one visit, he wanted me to come back that following week so he could do some work on my hips but I never did…

If it was aggrevated more during the meet, may want to wait few days. If it was the same tightness, probably would be ok. I’d still do heat wrap at night. You may not need treatment after a few days of this. Flexall and Aspercreme.

I didn’t make it any worse today, but it is really hindering my drive phase and pushing into the track etc. In warm-ups I have a hard time executing fast buildups etc.

You may need to continue warming up and re stretching it prior to going fast. May take longer since its tight. If it doesnt loosen, need to get it worked on.

My warmup is already long:

Before I leave my house, I have a quick foam roll session and static strecthing.
600-800m: jogging and other locomotive drills
More jogging with pushups and situps
Static Strecthing
Sprint drills
Jumps or MB throws
Starts etc

I forgot to mention guys, I weighed myself for the first time in months and I came in at 183-185lbs which is alot from my 210 a couple years ago and 195-198 months ago.

Fri: 1100
warmup A
5x220’s rest 2-2.5

The indoor track was close this morning, so I had to perform the runs on field turf outdoors the weather was kinda cool so I decided to keep the pace at ext tempo. The first two reps were probably at intensive tempo pace and I paid for it the last couple reps.

The next couple days will be total rest days, my next race will be next Friday instead of Saturday so I wont perform the tough SE workout I had planned but will opt for a much easier SE session…

That never hurts in track.

yea thats pretty impressive, good job!

Thanks, Pmoax19…

Sun: 540
GPP circuit 1 round
Pc 4x2x185
Bs/squat jumps 3x2x80
Bp+ham row 4x75 3x80 2x85 1x90
Warm-up C
3x30 sled
3x150 first 2: 3 step walk in/last one standing
Ohb 2x5
Height 1x5

I decided last night to perform my speed workout today but didn’t find out until this morning that the gym was closing at 3pm, so I debated about moving the workout to Monday morning and risk sprinting in 40 degree weather or take advantage of the nice weather today. I had to perform my lifting before the running which wasn’t a big deal since the weights were light and sprinting submax. I had plans to perform 2x150’s but felt pretty good so I decided to go for three. The 150’s felt slow but the times on the stop watch proved other wise!

I will perform tempo Monday morning, speed Tuesday morning, rest Wednesday and nice easy neural session on Thursday.

Mon: 900
warmup W
3x300 rest 4-4.5min

This workout was done on field turf stop and go style the times were very similar to the indoor track times.

Tuesday will be another speed session, I am debating about keeping my 2 tempo session this week and save the pre meet neural work for next week when then overall volume drops a little.

Tue: 240
Warm-up Z
4x30 3pt
2x60 3pt/30m/submax
High hc 4x2x155-185
Rev lunge 2x5x155
Bp+pullups 5x70 4x75 3x80

Overall very solid workout, the 30m sprints felt fast and the overall execution of the runs felt great. The weights were solid and very easy. The only negative thing today is my left foot is very sore, I will ice tonight and hope I can get through this week and next week then my training will shift into recovery mode. Tomorrow I have an easy tempo session on field turf and rest on Thursday.

Wed: 800
Warm-up A
4x200 rest 3-3.5

Overall the body feels good, the left foot is still sore but overall I feel good and can’t wait to race on Friday. Performing the tempo on the grass feels so much harder then on the indoor track…:confused:

The entry list is out and the meet should be good, the top time is 10.6 and it’s legit because the guy ran 10.3 last year. Also Andrew Rock is schedule to run the 400m so it should be interesting. Thursday will be a rest/recovery day, Friday beast mode!

Forgot to mention Minnesota Viking DE Brian Robison will be throwing the shot.

I did some easy foam roll last night and will do more today. The heat sheets are out and the damn coach seeded me at the wrong time so I am in the 2nd fastest heat. It’s all good because I will use that as my fuel to run well on Friday. The 100m race is set for 545pm and 200m at 650pm. The weather should be mid 70’s but who knows what to expect in April.

Besides the foot and quad problems I feel good to go and really anxious to race, I am not expecting anything big yet because of the training loads etc.

I took Charlie tips and performed a short AM training session which included:

5mins Bike ride
5mins Mobility work
MB throws for height 2x5

Overall the body feels good and I will take a short power nap before heading over to the track…

Time to update everyone:

April 17:
100: 11.33
200: 23.35

This was a horrible meet because I felt flat from the hard training and my quad didn’t feel well at all.

Sat: ART on quad etc/Rest.
Sun-Mon: Reboot computer - Rest.

Warm-up A
3x20 3pt
Throws 2x5

Overall very good workout, I went pretty hard on the starts.

100: 11.15 with a 35 intensity limit
Pc 3x2x185
Jump sq 3x5x65
Bp+Lat pd 3x3x235/3x8
Russ Twist 2x25

My coach said I looked very relaxed for the first 80m but I didn’t acc through the finish line. We decided to use a 35 intensity limit because the quad still felt tight and we wanted to save something for the meet on Saturday. The coach I am working with is one of the best in my area; he’s not designing my program but helping with some technical issues. The weights were very easy and the plan was to keep the weights light.

I have a meet this Saturday and will run the 100/200. The reminding of my season looks something like this:

April 25: 100/200
May 2: 100/200
May 8: 100
May 14: 100/200
June 7: 100/200

May 8 and 14 will have pre/finals and should help me a ton!!!

After all the injuries I had coming into fall training and with the hamstring injury towards the end of indoor, I think I will have a chance to at least equal my outdoor pr (10.88) but wouldn’t be surprise if I go 10.7X in June once I am able to get some good SE work completed and better training and meet weather!

BTW just spoke to my coach over the phone and he said it seems like I am not trying the last 15-20m of my race. He thinks it’s not a fitness thing but I need to be more aggressive at the finish