RB34 Comeback Program

were do u live?

Alaska, me and RJ are neighbors. I should be at FAMU. lol

Wed: 380
warmup Z
2x30 sled
2x30 3pt
4x60 30m
hc 6x2
rev lunge 2x5x145-165
bp+pullups 3x5/3x10

Only 4hrs of sleep lastnite but I manage to get the workout done! Speed work was solid this morning, I decided to do hang cleans instead of power cleans, my body didnt feel like doing any lifts from the floor.

Yea I would be better weather. I live in sunny Miami now

Haha, wherever you are, you’re lucky. I ran outside while it was snowing today. :stuck_out_tongue:

Thur: 900
warmup A
3x300 Rest 3mins

Very good workout general fitness has improved since last week, times were faster then last week with same rest time. Friday will be a rest day and hopefully race on Saturday…

My lower body feel very explosive these days, last week I playing around with some friends dunking a small ball, too bad my hands are too small to grip a normal size ball.

I enter myself as NT, I am in lane 8 and should be able to come out hard for 30-40m and maintain through the finish. The weather suppose to be PM rain/snow at 43degrees. Overall the body feels good, I am not expecting much on Saturday but we shall see how things go.

When I arrived at the meet my friend told me they were an hour behind schedule; I wasn’t dress to sit outdoors for a long time period so I decided to go back to my car and sit there until an hour before my race. The weather was 40-45 degrees with strong winds it felt more like 30-35 degrees, I took my time and completed an hour warm-up and still didn’t feel 100% ready.

I ran two 200m races indoor season using a standing start; I decided to use a standing start today since the weather was shitty and this was more of a workout meet. I did make a mistake in seeding myself “NT” because I didn’t have anyone to push me, the next athlete was more then two seconds behind me. Considering everything that has happen over the past month (injuries, missed workouts, first 200m race etc etc), I am pleased with my performance – unofficial time was 23.43 I didn’t stick around for the official times but I should know tonight.

BTW my right quad has been giving me problems and was an issue during warm-ups today…

I feel it! I went 11.51 and 23.14 into 7-8 m/s headwinds today, I guess that puts me at about 10.8 and 22.2 but it feels like such a waste when your trying to qualify for the big dance… what can ya do tho?

Hang in there and keep chopping away, Im happy I only ran the 200m and went from a standing start. My next race is on Thursday, suppose to be high 40’s-low 50’s.

The Day After:

The official times still are not up. :frowning: I am hoping to race this Thursday, its an invite meet only and I’m hoping the coach allows me to enter. I need to decide if I will run the 100 and 200 or just 200.

Overall my body feels good, feel like I didnt even race yesterday.

Ok guys final times are posted, I ran 23.39…

What about your thigh tightness?

Upper right quad, I will foam roll tonight…

Why do you guys enter these shit meets? Why not wait until the weather is decent?

Why such harsh comments to athletes that just want to compete and have fun?

Mon: 330
Warm-up C
3x30 sled
4x60 3pt/35m
Height 2x5
Ohb 1x5
Pc 5x2x185
bs/squat jumps 3x2x80
bp+pullups 5x4x225, 1x1x275/3x10

Overall very good workout this morning, the first two sprints felt great, the overall execution of the second sprint was awesome. Everything felt very explosive and easy today!! Today was my first heavy BP workout in 16 weeks, I started with Db work mid indoor season and at the beginning of outdoor prep I was able to do barbell BP starting at 185.

If the coach allows me to race on thursday I will compete in the 100/200, its a final only meet…

Tue: 900
warmup W
3x300 rest 3-4mins (last 300-4min rest)

Overall good workout, little stiffness from the previous workout. Felt like I was running at a lower intensity today but the times were very similar to last week.

I am in the meet for Thursday evening, Wednesday will be a rest day and Thursday 100/200… The weather suppose to be low 32 and high 52 nice and sunny…

Heatsheets are posted, the meet is a very small meet and the meet director decided to put all the fast guys in heat 1 for the 100m which is great since its a final only race. The 100m is set for 525 and the 200 at 600, so I will leave work a couple hours early tomm.