RB34 Comeback Program

Fri: Day 13:
Full Warmup (Jog-Skip 400m), Quick Static stretch, Mobility drills, Sprint drills, 3-5x30 acc.
Mb throws: ohb 1x5
20-30-40 3pt: ( 20 and 30-CC flats, 40-spikes)
Cooldown: 200m jog

Rehab work will be very similar to yesterday (ems, cold/heat treatment, and CF heating method).

Overall the workout went well, still not 100% but I will rehab today and may head to the track tomm morning for a quick warmup to see how things feel before heading to the meet…

Yes, I would assume grade one but most of the damage was done around the lower hamstring tendon.

Day 15:

Ok Guys, after going through my Saturday morning warmup I decided not to race because the hamstring just didn’t feel right. I felt good up to about 20meters and just didn’t have that next gear and felt a little pain. I was so upset I couldn’t even rehab this weekend!

After calming down and talking to friends and family I have decided to give it one more shot at the local usatf meet this Sunday and will do all I can to get healthy and to PR, only bad thing is I will only have one shot (no prelims)!

This week’s training:

Mon: Track tempo
Tue: ACC/Weights
Wed: Tempo on the treadmill
Thur: Starts
Fri: Rest
Sat: Neural work
Sun Race

Mon: Day 16
Tempo 6x100

Bad day felt a little pain while during the tempo runs, nothing more to say…

Tue: Day 17
2x15 face down
2x15 pushup
2x15 falling
2x30 3pt
2x40 3pt
Jump squats 3x5x65
Db bp 4x4
H pullups 2x6

Very good workout today, little to NO pain and could actually ACC over 30-40m… Tomm will either be another track tempo session or a incline treadmill walk.

Wed: Day 18
Incline tread walk 20mins
Several sets of situps and hypers

Nice relaxing workout!

Thur: Day 19
Full warmup
Jump squats 3x5x55
Bp 2-3x1

Overall not a bad session, first time performing barbell bench press in 12-14 weeks.

I have two more speed workouts before my race on Sunday evening, still not 100% sure if I will race mainly because this is my last indoor race and I feel like I’m not in PR shape so what’s the point of risking injury and ruining my outdoor season.

The plan for the next couple days will be:

Friday: Rest
Saturday: Neural session
Sunday: Mock prelims in the AM/Finals in the PM

Any ideas on the mock prelims??

Fri: Day 20:

Sat: Day 21:
Heating pad 10mins
Full warm-up
3x20 3pt
Tuck jumps x5
Alt bound 2x20m
MB throws 2x5

Overall very good workout, the first sprint was kind of tight I think because I don’t know what to expect from the hamstring but the second and third sprint was great.

Can’t get access to a track tomm morning, instead of during very easy starts and fly’s like I usually do, I will perform 2x30 30pt timed and 1x60 submax with 30-35m intensity limit.

I already perform one session of EMS for 30mins with 30mins of ice, will perform easy foam rolling and heat cream tonight…


Last race was on March 8 and all went well with my health and race performance…

Took March 9-11: OFF

March 12:
Full warm-up
Sled pulls:
2x4x30 25lb
Throws x30

March 13:
Bike 5mins
Pc 6x2
Bsq 54311
BP 5x4
Hyper 3x10
Lat Pd under 3x8

I could tell I haven’t done much training because this session was tough and made me very sore in my hamstring and gluts for several days. First squat session in 17 days!

Week 1: Outdoor Prep:
pc 6x2
walk lunge 3x10x30
bp 5x4
hypers+db row 3x10 3x8

2x30 sled
2x30 3pt
4xflys 30-20
throws x30

I had no choice to perform my strength work at 10am and speed at 7pm today. I only had access to a track twice this week and wanted to get the sessions done. I was still sore and stiff from Friday strength training session which caused me to tweak my hamstring during the last 30m sprint, I was still able to complete the four fly’s at a sub max effort.

warm-up W
GS circuit A x2
abs 150

Overall very good session!

warm-up W
pc 6x2
bs 2x3x70 3x75 2x3x80
bp 3x5
pull through+lat pd front 3x10

Tempo work: 2 rounds
Jumping jacks
mout climbers
shuffle spilt

I got ART before the weight training session it made a big difference in my performance.

warm-up A
tread run 30on/60off x10/9-10mph/3%
GS circuit B x2
abs 150

Overall very good workout and the hamstring felt great. Should be ready to start my
normal training on Monday!

Week 2:
Mon: 1000
Warm-up C
2x20 pushups
4x4x60 15m walk back rec/4min btw sets
mb x20
pc 6x2 ( Descending sets)
rev lunge 2x5x135/155
bp 5x4
rdl+db row 2x5 3x8

Very good workout today, took a major step in getting ready to race on April 4!

Tue: 1200
warmup W
6x200 rest 2mins

Overall very good workout, I will cont to hit the tempo runs hard this outdoor season with ample dose of 200 and 300m runs.

Thur: 300
warmup Z
2x30 sled
2x20 pushups
4x50 20-30m
speed bounds 4x30
pc 6x2 (Descending sets)
bs (last 2 sets complex) 2x2x75 2x80 2x2x85
bp 3x5
Stag gm+lat pd front 2x5/3x8

Last two sets of bs was complex with squat jumps x3. Overall this was a very good workout!!!

Why add speed bounds now with the meet next week? :confused:

Keep it simple. The more you add the more that can affect your performance.

1: Training through my first 6 meets…

2: Meet next week may be cancel, suppose to be 40degress with rain/snow.

You haven’t done bounds anywhere in your programs you have reported on here with. Whether you run a meet or not doesn’t matter, you still should keep things progressing the same. No need to add more stuff. When you add new elements, it takes time to adapt to it, which could alter the effects of previous workouts and previous progress.

I done bounds and skips in spp. It’s not a big deal, body feels good today and I had a very good workout.

Fri: 900
warmup A
3x300 3min rest
200x abs

Mon: 600
warmup C
4x30 3pt
2x3x80 (20m) WB/10min
OHB 2x5
Height 1x5
pc 6x2x185
bs+squat jumps x3 5x2x85
bp+ham row 5x4/3x6

Awesome workout this morning esp on the SE runs, during the late stages of my warmup and first two 30’s I felt drunk and had a diffcult time staying in my lane. The SE runs felt very fast and had very little drop off.

After such a great track workout I decided to go lighter on the power cleans and drop the rdl’s.

At this time the weather suppose to be cloudy and anywhere from 30-47 degrees.

I’ve enjoyed your journal so far - keep it up!

Thanks!! :slight_smile:

Smart move.

Tue: 1200
warmup W
6x200 rest 2mins

All tempo work is done indoors…

Lite snow today… :mad: