RB34 Comeback Program

Fri: 1050
Warmup A
7x(50-50-50) 60s
hurdle A 120x
Pillar 2x60s

The workout started out very slowly and picked up towards the end. Past 48hrs I have been during ROM movements, ice, ems, vil and the shoulder has improved leaps and bounds. If all go well my first meet will be Jan 10 @ UofM. I can now say I have no pain in my foot complex and this is a very good thing because it allows me to step up my training intensity.

Good to know you’re getting better.
How does the 7x(50-50-50) work. 60s rest for each set right?
btw, can you critique one of my sprints? i sent you a pm. I’m no where close to being fast but I’ll get there.

down-back 50m runs with 60sec rest btw each set.

Sun: treatment 2x and 50 pushups

Week 9:
Mon: 360
Warmup C
2x30 sled
2x30 face down
4x60 3 pushup/1standing 35
hurdle hops 4x5
pc 12x1x75 40s
jsq 3x5x95
lunge 3x5
bp 2x2x185

Tue: 1050
Warmup W
7x150 60s
hurdle A 108x
core 100x

Monday notes:
Overall training is going great on the track, speed work on Monday felt very fast and easy. I was planning on during 4x3x225 for bench press but after the first warmup set the shoulder wasnt having it, so I reduce to 2x3x185.

Tuesday notes:
Little sorness in the glutes but overall feel very good, nice easy tempo session this morning. Ready and prime for the speed session on Wednesday!

Week 9:
Wed: 320
Warmup Z
2x30 pushup
2x40 blk
3x60 4m blk 30
3x30 A’s

  • band gm 3x10
    pc 6x1x75% 40s rest
    bs 3x3x75%+20lbs
    gm 2x5

Fri: 1000
Warmup W
10(50-50) 45s
bb aux work x10

Week 10:
Mon: 300
Warmup C
2x30 sled
2x30 3pt
3x60 3pt 35
p skip height 2x30m
p skip dis 1x30
pc 3x1x80/5x1x70
jsq 3x5x95
spilt squat 3x5

Tue: 600
Warmup W
6x(50-50)100 45s
mb throws 200x
core 100x

Warmup Z
2x30 sled
2x30 timed avg 3.65 3pt
2x30 blk
10min block work

I decided to have 3 speed sessions this week because after taking 4 days from speed work last week Monday session felt very flat. My shoulder is still keeping me from performing the bench press and hinders my sprinting. The fast 30’s gave me some added confidence after feeling sluggish the last past couple speed workouts.

Ice for 20mins immediately after injury. Once i got home I performed 30mins of ems+ice twice and will perform once more before bed.

At this time I have a lot of soreness on my right calf and left hamstring. The next 3 days will be huge in my recovery process.

I have 4 ems+ice sessions today all sessions will be 30mins on constant mode. If the pain was a 10 yesterday I would say it’s a 9 today, not major improvement but some progress. Like I said last night the first 72hrs will tell the story.

So far the rehab process is coming along very well and I am on schedule to return next Saturday.

Monday :
Ems First session: 60mins
Ems Second session: 30mins
Strength training:
Db bp 7x5
db press 10-8-6-4x4

Ems 3x30min sessions
Side mb throws 3x10
russ twist 3x25
pullups 3x10
chinups 3x10
lat pd front 3x6
db row 3x6
shrugs 3x15

Wednesday: Day 4
Ems First session: 30mins
Ems Second session: 30mins
Bike 10mins
Jog/skip 5mins
Body weight squats 2x20
Deep squats 3x5x135
Rdl 2x10x135
Hypers/ecc calf raises 3x10/3x5
Iso lunge 2x20sec
Depletion push-ups 3sets

I may perform a third session of EMS tonight, overall today was a good day, can’t wait to race next Saturday! The weights went very well, I felt kind of weak on the rdl’s but everything else went well. Can’t wait to hit the track tomorrow morning for some tempo runs and short acc work, also my upper body has been sore the past two days, esp. my upper back/traps.

Forgot to add I did a PM session mainly a couple sets of leg curls, skips, and beach work.

First EMS session: 60mins
Second EMS session: 30mins
tempo: 760m
short acc work: 100m
push press 7x3
db bp 10,8,6 4x4

Overall another good workout, the track work went well can’t wait to see how the hamstring feel tomm morning. Tomm will be a normal squat workout and a deep tissue massage Saturday…

3 - ems sessions 20mins per
bike 10mins
side throws 3x10
russ twist 3x25
pc 10x1x185
squats 2x2x365
rdl/chinups 3x5/3x10
hypers/db row/ecc calf raises 3x6x20/3x6/3x5

EMS session 20mins
60mins deep tissue massage on left hamstring
standing leg curls 2-3x10
glut ham on lat pd machine 2x5

Overall ROM and strength is great on the left leg but lots of sorness around the lower tendon area. Will perform one more ems session tonite before bed and will apply heating cream and tensor on the area.

Sun: Day 8
Ems session 20mins
Ems session 30mins
Lots of heat treatments today

The hamstring felt a little better today, I am approaching this week as if I am going to race on Saturday. I won’t attempt my first speed workout until Wednesday so the next couple days will be 10m runs, jumps, weights, and tempo work.

Mon: Day 9:
2x10x10 (in CC flats)
hurdle hops 6x5
pc 4x2x80%
bs 2x1x365
db bp 4x4
db row/hypers-bob 3x6

Overall the training session went very well today and its looking good for Sat. I also added an extra set to all sprint drills.

Ems session 20mins
Ems session 20mins
Lots of heat

Tue: Day 10
2xems sessions 20mins:
Ice and heat:
Warm-up W
2x4x100 cross way walk

I was able to acc to a certain degree before I started to feel pain, overall the workout went well but I was still disappointed.

Wed: Day 11:
2xems sessions 20mins:
Ice and heat:
Sauna 20mins:
2x5x20 (2xstanding/2xface down/2xpushup/4x3pt)
1x55 20m intensity limit
Hurdle hops 3x5
Stair rebounds 3x10
jump squats 3x5x65
push press 3x3
pullups/slow leg curls 3x10/3x5

Today’s workout was probably around 85-90%, I did feel a little pain on some of the sprints. Trying to stay positive and keep my faith that I will be healthy on Saturday.

Thur: Day 12
Round 1:
Ems session: 40mins
Cold treatment: 30mins
Heat pad: 30mins
CF heating method: 2-4hrs

Round 2:
Ems session: 20mins
Cold treatment: 30mins
Heat pad: 45mins
CF heating method: overnight

Overall the hamstring is getting better can’t wait to see how the hamstring feels Friday morning…

You should be ok for Saturday just dont do anything stupid while training tomm.

Was the pull a grade 1?