Golden Gala Mens 100m Heats

They the next HSI!

Asafa doesn’t have the same power drive he had last year where he pretty much went zig zag and covered both sides the lane. I dont know how serious his ankle injury is but as everyone else is saying it is affecting his start.

Is the berlin track going to be resurfaced for sure? Very few sub 10s on that track with its current surface (forgot the name)

mulling train with brauman camp

Powell looked like crap seriously. His time is good considering the way he ran… I hope his ankle recovers very soon so that he is 100% in Berlin.

Quite interesting. Asafa finished just third in Lignano with 10.42

Here are the results:
Organizzazione: Nuova Atletica dal Friuli - Lignano Sabbiadoro
100 metri Uomini - 100 meters Men - RISULTATI

Serie Unica STADIO G. TEGHIL - 12 Luglio 2009 Ora Inizio: 21:45 - Vento: -0.3
Clas. Cors. Pett. Atleta Anno Cat. Regione Società Prestazione
2 3 39 BARNES Winston 1988 PM JAM00 JAMAICA 10.41
3 4 36 POWELL Asafa 1982 SM JAM00 JAMAICA 10.42
4 2 40 WILLIAMS Chris 1972 SM JAM00 JAMAICA 10.43
5 6 38 CHECCUCCI Maurizio 1974 SM PD131 G.S. FIAMME ORO PADOVA 10.46

Is this for real? 10.4? and 2 days after running 3 races in a week?

10.42 might not be as bad as it first appears. Apparently in the past he has jogged in the youth/disabled heats in the past due to some friendship or association with the town or organizers.

Ohh i see.
Now… does this race count towards the magic 18 races :D:cool:

He’s used Lignano as a summer camp in the last couple of years, so he may have made a deal with the meet organisers.

Wariner ran 45.74 in the same meet. The Carribean track and field forum calls it a training meet.

So would a 10.4 really count in the 18 race count? or is it too sub maximal

It wouldn’t count the way I count :).

I would say that it depends how he ran it. If he used his normal acceleration pattern and then shut dow at 60m or later, then yes as the stress has already been applied to the CNS. If he just dogged the whole thing then maybe not.

I haven’t seen the race, but I find it difficult to believe he could run as slow as 10.42 after going hard to 60m. I envision him having accelerated to 30m and holding.

Maybe he was doing intensive tempo :wink:

Based on his best so far this year, 9.88 against Gay, the 10.42 is almost 95% on the money.

So while I know you were being sarcastic in your post; in reality, even though this 10.42 is something of a bust at first glance, relative to what we’d all like to see, it still qualifies as ‘speed development’ relative to his best this year.

On that note, while the 9.88 is nothing compared to what he’s done in the past it is the most he’s done in quite a while. Thus, in this regard the 10.42 just days later doesn’t seem as much of an eyebrow raiser as the 9.88, again relative to his current readiness/preparedness, is much more of a CNS stress then it would have been last year.

Perhaps then it was by design- maybe an instruction of Francis- as the 95% would still qualify as a meaningful enough CNS stimulus to count towards the 18 relative to his preparation this season.

I see what you’re saying, but what about his training? I mean there must be a sh*t load of sub-max work throughout the year to have him ready from that perspective. Cause I believed up to this point that it was the maximal effort speed work that he needed ?

I’m primarily looking at it from the perspective of:

  • most of his times this season have been +10.0
  • 9.88 is his PR so far this season
  • the proximity in which the 10.42 was performed relative to the 9.88
  • and, it seems as if everyone is agreeing that he is still structurally impaired (ankle) thus it would stand to reason that he and his coach might get as much as possible out of sub-max work until his readiness is actually in a position to tolerate the maximum of his current capacity.

I state that because I think we all agree that he had more in the tank on the 9.88 performance.

He’s also further ahead from last year near this point because he ran 9.88 or 9.89 with a 0.102? or very similar reaction time and ran it hard through the line (race he beat bolt). with the 0.150 reaction he got friday that run would have been 9.94.

So regardless he’s 1 tenth ahead of last year at this point (considering he can do 9.83-9.84 now) and still not 100% physically (ankle).

If he gets into low 9.7 shape or even possibly 9.6x, it be incredible however question still remains can he do it in the 4th race in 2 days?