RB34 Comeback Program

Thur: 600
Warmup Z
2x30 sled
2x30 timed/filmed 3pt
2x4x60 walk/6min 20
hurdle hop stick 3x5
height/dive x20
3x30 A’s
depth drop 4x3
hang snatch 6x2 105x3/125x3
sdl 4x2x365
rea gh 4x5
Band gh:
SB: 1x10
MB: 1x10
SB+MB: 1x10
Today was an OK day, body felt really tight and didn’t feel strong in the weightroom, I decided to only sdl 365. :mad:



Fri: 900
Warmup A
hurdle B 120x
Big core circuit x7
incline press 3x5x195
lat pd front 3x6
db shoulder press 2x8
It’s Friday, nothing more to say!!! Family flying in tonite!!

Week 3:
Mon: 480
Warmup C
2x30 sled
2x30 timed 3pt
3x20 efe
3x60 30 standing
hurdle hops 3x5
ohb/dive x20
depth drop 4x3
hang clean 6x3 3x185/3x195
back squat 5x1 worked up to 500
gh 3x10x25

Overall very good workout esp on the track, I was able to run some fast 30’s even faster then what I ran back in Jan. For some reason the weights were ok, I haven’t been very motivated in the weightroom this year for some reason.

Tue: 900
Warmup W
hurdle A 110x
Big core circuit x7
bench press 5x1 work up to 315
db rows 3x6
db shoulder press 3x6

  • Overall not a bad day, felt very sluggish in the weightroom. I hate lifting weights and tempo days!

Thur: 600
Warmup Z
2x30 sled
2x30 3pt
2x4x60 walk/6min 20
hurdle hop 3x5
height/dive x20
3x30 A’s
depth drop 4x3
hang snatch 6x2 105-105-115-125-135-135
sdl 3x3x275
rea gh 3x5

  • Another average day, still feeling sluggish in the weightroom. Things will turn around in the upcoming weeks.

Fri: 900
Warmup A
hurdle B 120x
Big core circuit x7
bp 6x3x245
various pullups 3x10

So much shit been going on this week, happy its friday! The body is starting to heal, Im hoping to add in some longer tempo runs 100-200m in the upcoming weeks.

30m workout times: 3pt

Jan 08:

Oct 08:

Nov 08:

Week 4:
Mon: 480
Warmup C
2x30 sled
2x30 3.88/3.75 3pt
3x20 efe
3x60 30
hurdle hops 4x5
ohb/dive x20
depth jumps 25in 4x3
pc 3X155-3X185-2X205-2X215-1X225-1X245
bs 6x4x70%
bp 5-5-3-3-2-1
pillars 3x30sec

Overall good workout today, the 60’s were kinda shitty because I spent too much time talking. The power cleans and bench press felt really good today and like always the squats felt like shit. Overall all the weights were in the submax-zone.

Tue: 900
Warmup W
9x100 45s
hurdle A 110x
Big core circuit x8
BB circuit A/B 2x12
Pillars 1x90sec

Good workout, the circuits were tough, 24 exercises mostly lower body. Hamstring and glutes are sore but overall body feel good besides my right piriformis has been giving me some problems but haven’t hindered my speed workouts.

Wed: hamstrings and glutes still sore. The tempo runs on the curves made my foot kinda sore, gonna give it a couple sessions and see how things go.

Thur: 600
Warmup Z
2x30 sled
2x30 3pt
2x4x60 walk/6min 20
hurdle hop 4x5
height/dive x20
3x30 A’s
ps 6x2 135x3/145x3
jsq 4x5x95
spilt squat 4x5 135-155-185-185
bp 2x5 2x3 2x5
pillars 1x60s

Overall good workout, the weights were really easy compare to monday killer session.

Fri: 900
Warmup W
9(50-50) 45s
Shoes off:
200m skips
Ankle prehab work x50
hurdle B 120x
Big core circuit x8

Nice quick workout, my foot was still sore from the curves so I decided to switch back to the straights.

Week 5:
Mon: 500
Warmup C
2x30 sled
2x30 3.88/3.87 3pt
4xflys 20-30
3x60 35
hurdle hops 5x5
ohb/dive x20
depth jumps 4x3
pc 3x155 3x185 2x205 2x225 1x245 1x275
bs 3x3x80
bp 553321

Overall today was probably my worst day on the track this whole spp block, the sprints didn’t feel smooth and explosive like they did in the past weeks, and I assume it’s from the weights. The weights went a lot better esp. the depth jumps, pc and bench press, the squat didn’t go well because my right piriformis caused me to reduce the overall squat volume from 6x4 to 3x3. I have decided to reduce my squat volume and only squat once every 10 days for a couple weeks to try and let this piriformis recover. For example:

Every 10 days:
Depth jumps
Squats 3x3 or 54321

Second session:
Jump squat
Spilt squat
Bench press

Tue: 900
Warmup W
9(50-50) 45s
hurdle A 110x
Big core circuit x8

Didn’t feel great but once I got on the track things started to pickup. I started SMR with a baseball along with static stretching and can already tell the difference. :slight_smile: Since turkey day is on Thursday, I will perform my second speed session tomorrow, take Thursday off, Friday is a tentative light workout (depends how my body feels, this would be a great time to let any bumps and bruises heal so we can make the final push before indoor).

I like this training journal, please don’t stop posting

Thanks, Man!!

Week 5:
Wed: 500
Warmup Z
2x30 sled
2x40 3pt
2x3x60 2.5/7M 25
hurdle hop 5x5
height/dive x20
3x30 A’s
ps 6x2 135x3/145x3
jsq 4x5x50x95
spilt squat 4x5 155-155-185-185
bp 2x5 2x3 2x5

Thur-Sun: Rest/treatment

Week 6:
Mon: 480
Warm-up C
2x30 sleds
2x30 3pt
4xflys 20-40
2x60 40
Hurdle hops 6x5
pc 3x155/3x185/2x205/2x225/1x245/275x1
jsq 4x5x50x95
spilt squat 4x5 155-185-205-205
bp 553321

The starts felt pretty good but the flying sprints felt kind of rusty, trying to work off the rust from the 4 day layoff.

Tue: 900
Warm-up W
9(50-50) 45s
hurdle A 120x
Core 100x

Tempo work felt very good and easy!

Thur: 410
Warm-up Z
2x30 sleds
3x40 3pt
2x2x60 3/7min 25
ohb/height/dive x10
3x30 A’s
depth jump 4x3
ps 6x2 135-145-145-155-165
bs 5x315/4x365/3x385/2x405/1x425
bp 2x5 2x3 2x5

Up and down day on the track, had some really good sprints and some avg ones also. I decided to keep the squats lighter today since I am coming off a 10 day layoff.

*I haven’t been taking any post workout protein/carbs; I must get this going again.

Fri: 900
Warmup W
9(50-50) 45s
hurdle A 120x
Pillar 3x30s
BB circuit A/B 2x10

Week 7:
Mon: 480
Warmup C
2x30 sled
2x30 3pt
4xflys 20-40
2x60 blk 40
hurdle hops 5x5
pc 332211
jsq 4x5x50
spilt squat 4x5
gh 2x10x25
bp 553321
** band gm 3x10 (before bed)

Best track work I have had in the past couple weeks! First meet in 4 weeks, if I can get solid training in the upcoming weeks I should be prime for a good performance.

Tue: 1000
Warmup W
10(50-50) 45s
hurdle A 120x
Core 100x

Wed: 320
Warmup Z
2x30 sled
2x40 3pt
3x60 3.5m 30
ohb/height/1 hop ohb x10
3x30 A’s

  • band gm 4x10 (warmup)
    dj 4x3
    ps 6x2 135-155-165-185-155-155
    bs 3x315 3x365 2x385 2x405 1x425 1x435 1x455
    bp 2x5 2x3 2x5
    gh 2x10x25

Week 7:
Thur: 1000
Warmup A
10(50-50) 45s
hurdle A 120x
Pillar 2x60s

Nice tempo session, state testing on Friday so I will rest and recover and prepare for week 8.

Week 8:
Mon: 360
Warmup C
2x30 sled
2x30 3.82/3.72 3pt
4x60 35 3pt
hurdle hops 5x5
pc 14x1x70 30s
jsq 3x5x95
lunges 3x5
bp pause 40x8 55x6 65x4 75x3x4
rdl 2x5

** band gm 3x10 (warmup)

Very good session today, tuesday will be a rest day since the track is close.

I will go into details about my training tomm, I injured my AC joint today during block sprints this is some what a set back esp if it cause me to miss training time.

Thur: 380
Warmup Z
2x30 sled
2x40 blk
2x2x60 2.5/7min blk 25
3x30 A’s
hc 4x3
bs 3x3x75
gm 2x5

*band gm (warmup)

I had to remove mb throws and ps from the program while trying to work around the ac joint injury. Overall the sprints felt very good, will try and get 1-2 therapy sessions before I open my season.