RB34 Comeback Program

Week 3:
Warmup B
Sled pulls:
2x5x40 2/4m
Bench press 3x10 205-215-225
lat pd front 3x12
Pullups 3x10

Tue: heavy
Back squats 3x10 295 315 335
Rev lunges 3x8
Rdl 3x12x205
Hypers 3x15

Wed: 1200
Warmup A
squat throw x6
single hop x6
double hop x6
triple hop x6
100-100-100 rest 30/100m

Thur: 400
Warmup B
Sled pulls:
2x5x40 2/4m
Bench press 3x10
Db incline 3x10
Lat pd under 3x12
Chinups 3x10

Fri: Missed training session, too tired from long work days.

Sat: Missed session.

The week started out strong but later in the week was lame and body wore out.

Week 4: Unload Week
Bench press 2x7 210
lat pd front 2x12
Pullups 2x10

Back squats 2x7 295
Rev lunges 2x8
Rdl 3x10x215
Hypers 2x15

Thur: 320
Warmup B
2x4x40 2/4m
Bench press 2x7 205
Db incline 2x10
Lat pd under 2x12
Chinups 2x10

Back squats 2x7 275
Stepups 2x8
Rdl 3x10x215
Hypers 2x15

Sat: 320
Warmup B
2x4x40 rest 90s

Super busy at work, so I had to take Mon – Wed off also achilles needed some rest/treatment.

Week 5:
Mon: 410
Warmup B
3x10 flat
3x10 pushup
3x20 pushup
4xefe 20x
1x50 15/35
squat throw x6
single hop x6
double hop x6
triple hop x6
Back squats 3x8 305 315 345
Rdl 3x10x225
hypers 3x12

Short warmup
Incline tread walk 20m
mobilty work
Bench press 3x8 225 235 245
Pullups 3x10

Short warmup
elliptical 20min
gs circuits a/c 2x10

Thur: 320
Warmup B
2x4x40 2/4m
acc 1 x6
acc 2 x6
Trap dl 3x5 315-365-385
Bench press 3x8 205 215 225
DB bul squat 2x6
Rdl 3x10x225

Short warmup
Incline tread walk 20m
gs circuits b/d 2x10

Very average week for several reasons:

1: Still recovering from work.

2: Weights were too light during unload week.

3: The Saturday speed session hinder Monday and Thursday sessions.

The list could go on…

Week 6:
Mon: 460
Warmup B
2x10 pushup
2x20 pushup
2x20 stand
2x3xefe 20x
acc 1 x6
acc 2 x6
mat dive x6
Back squats 3x8 305 315 355
Rdl 3x8x235
hypers 3x12

Short wup
Incline tread walk 20m
mobilty work
Bench press 3x8 225 235 255
Pullups 3x10

Short wup
elliptical 20min
gs circuits a/c 2x10

Thur: 320
Warmup B
Sled Pulls:
2x4x40 2/4m
OHB x6
squat throw x6
single hop x6
double hop x6
triple hop x6
Trap dl 3x5 315 365 405
Bench press 3x8 205-215-225
Db bul sq 2x6
hypers 3x12

Short wup
Incline tread walk 20m
gs circuits b/d 2x10

First three days were pretty good, by thursday achilles was very sore.

Week 7:
Mon: 490
Warmup B
2x20 pushup
2x20 stand
3xefe 20x
3xfef 20x
1x50 20/30
Back squats 3x8 305-315-365
Rdl 3x8x245
rev leg press 3x12

Very good workout today, so far I have been getting better each and every Monday. :slight_smile: Weights are starting to feel light again.

Tue: 1000
Warmup A
acc 1 x6
acc 2 x6
5x200 rest 2min
Bench press 3x8 225 235 265
Pullups 3x10

Overall not bad considering I haven’t done tempo work in over a month. Overall fitness levels need to improve if I want to hit 6.8’s during indoors.

foam roll
mobility work

Thur: 320
Warmup B
OHB x6
squat throw x6
Sled pulls:
2x4x40 3/5m
single hop x6
double hop x6
triple hop x6
mat dive x6
Trap dl 3x5 315 365 415
Bench press 3x8 205 215 225
Db bul sq 2x6
hypers 3x12

Overall good day, it’s coming back boys.

elliptical 20min
gs circuit b/d

Overall things are starting to turn for the best with my training, regaining the strenth, power, and speed I had last year! The final week of gpp will be a unload week, I will not unload the weights as much as I did earlier in the cycle because it made me crash/hard time rebounding. Will gradually get back to during tempo twice a week but for now one day track tempo and one day indoor cardio.

Week 8: UNLOAD 390
Warmup B
3x30 stand
2x30 3pt
4x60 3pt 25/35
acc 1 x6
acc 2 x6
mat dive x6
Back squats 2x6x345
Rdl 2x8x225
Rev leg press 2x12

Overall good workout, I continue to improve each week. I need to relax a little more on the sprints and get more knee lift. Right glute was tight for the first 2 warmup sets of squats.

Tue: 1000
Warmup A
5x200 rest 2min
Bench press 2x6x245
Pullups 2x10

Typical tempo workout of late, lower leg was sore and stiff on the curves. Time for bed!!!

Wed: Rest/foam roll

No rolling today, too busy…

Thur: 360
Warmup B
2x30 high
2xflys 20-20
2xflys 20-30
2xflys 20-40
OHB x6
squat throw x6
single hop/ohb x6
double hop/ohb x6
triple hop/ohb x6
Trap dl 2x5x365
Bench press 2x6x215
hypers 2x12

Much lighter on the deadlifts, lower back, and glutes were still tight. Started to feel discomfort in foot towards end of speed workout.

Fri: cardio/bb circuits

Too lazy and felt sluggish…

Week 1:
Mon: 360
Warmup C
2x30 sled
2x30 (timed sprints) 3pt
4x20 efe
hurdle hops stick 3x5
ohb/dive x20
Cooldown: ab circuit
depth drop 4x3
hang clean 6x3x135-155-165-175-185-185-185
back squat 4x3 385-405-415-425
rdl 3x5x255
Overall not a bad day, I had to perform rdl’s before squats (reason for light rdl’s) because some sissy was during bent rows with 115lbs in the squat rack.

Tue: 900
Warmup W
hurdle A: 110x
Big core circuit 1x7
bench press 4x3 275-285-295-305
db rows 3x6
db shoulder press 3x6
Overall good workout, tuesday will be tons of situps/pushups with the short tempo runs and thursday I will decrease the situps/pushups. Lower body was slightly stiff from the sprints/weights from monday.

Wed: Was a off day, hamstring and glutes were still a little sore from the sprints and weights.

Thur: (7:00am) 660
Warmup Z
2x30 sled
2x5x60 walk/5min 15
hurdle hop stick 3x5
height/dive x20
2x30 A’s
Cooldown: ab circuits

Great workout this morning, my body is slowly adjusting to the early morning workouts. I’m surprise how easy everything felt this morning even with the short intensity limits. Only did 2 sets of running A’s each set took 40-45sec and they were very easy.

depth drop 4x3
hang snatch 6x2 (3x95) (3x115)
sdl 3x3 315-365-385
speed deadlift 3x20x135

Overall good workout, I had to use a higher box then I wanted for the depth drops because the gym I visited today only had two different box sizes. I also decided not to go crazy on the hs and sdl.

Where it at?


Fri: 900
Warmup A
hurdle B 120x
Big core circuit x7
incline press 3x5x185
lat pd front 3x6
db shoulder press 2x6x55
Overall good session, nothing more.

Week 2:
Mon: 7:00am 480
Warmup C
2x30 sled
2x30 timed 3pt
3x20 efe
3x20 fef
hurdle hops stick 3x5
ohb/dive x20
depth drop 4x3
hang clean 6x3 155-185-185-185-195-195
back squat 5x2 435-445-455-465-475
GH 3x10 bw-bw-25

Overall the sprint workout went well, first 30m felt solid but need to improve 40-60 and the fef/efe runs. The weights felt OK not great, also I went easy on the glute ham since it was the first time using the hammer strength gh machine. The depth drops was done on a lower box compare to last Thur.

Tue: 900
Warmup W
hurdle A 110x
Big core circuit x7
bench press 5x2 295-305-315-315-315
db rows 3x6
db shoulder press 3x6
Overall good running session, the bp didn’t feel strong today probably from all the pushups.

Wed: rest