Ben's squating with 495

The fact you need to ask this makes me think you should take a remedial weightlifting course.

Sprinter’s squats come in a lot of ways…according to you, Linford would not have been squatting, Mennea neither, Gatlin niether…the aim is to stimulate muscles and cns…this is not how I would do…but still …
To add something about lifting form…I have the great opportunity to train in the same venue with a Beijing medal in hammer throw…the way he close grip snatches ( a bent arm press passing the chin) is for sure unorthodox, but iti is just supporting stuff ( he hardly lifts at all).

Do you have any comprehension at how orthopedically unsafe it is to “squat” in such a stupid manner?

hardly lifts at all?

He looked to be closer than 8-10" from parallel to me.

he did a slightly above parallel box squat.
i think im good on weight lifting, considering my progress :slight_smile:

Yes it is.unsafe, everyone gets it…unsafe as are many forms of depth jumps…compared to some youtube football lifts, it is still almost a rehabilitation controlled lift:)

Btw, was not Kosmus…
Yes, he always throws…even 2 times a day…even when it is raining…he adds some jumps, those close grip snatches, and lots of reps doing hammer imitative exercise, rotations with a chain and a 25 kg plate.

Not even close. This is up there with stupid stuff [former] elite athletes do in the weightroom. I can only trust CF in that he said before Ben squatted below parallel, not bounced, etc. and I’ll believe him with that because this is about as unsafe as somebody can get in training.

He is not Bouncing! Look very carefully when they zoom in on the chair. His hammies hit 1st, then the glutes JUST touch, once they touch, he come up. Its not a Full Sit down by any means. You need to really squash that padding to Bounce. therefore he is not really doing Box squats. The bench seems to be a depth guage. Go down, Tap and Up. Far from a bounce. Except the 3rd rep where it seems he hit the bench, The bar twisted and had a hard time coming up, (not good) - That rep was bad, but with a dude supporting his posture like that, he’ll be fine.

Im not a fan of having a dude that close supporting him - would rather see it 10% lighter and nobody there (if you need somebody there, its too heavy!) He also has Bars that can be used as a depth guide instead of a bench. No need for them both. No need for benches at all really, If your sitting on a bench, with a barbell on your shoulders, cant be safe. If the bar is on other bars, takes the pressure off your back, esp if your in trouble, even for a second = much safer. (not talking powerlifting meet training here)

He is very close to parallel, only 1-2inches. I would rather see 1-2inches Below than above, esp for sprinters.

Maybe its just a Ego Set, and the rest of the sets were diff?? Just for the camera’s so to speak?

What’s the problem with box squatting with a 2-3sec pause on the box, I will be adding them for the reminding of SPP in my program.

If you do it right, Nothing. If you do it wrong = lots.

Imagine if in that clip shown on ben, he did a 2sec pause, and no guy strapped to his back, and no safety bars. Then look at bens 3rd rep, the one where he looses control a touch and the bar twists (right side of bar moves forward, left side of bar moves backward). Lucky that spotter was there, or perhaps, the only time he pushes THAT hard is when he does have a spotter.

The point is, just be careful. Make sure, if things go pear shape (like that 3rd rep of bens) you have safety options in place where you dont get hurt. Powerlifters always seem to get hurt.

I personally prefer putting the bar down onto safety cage bars, wait a second or two then go up. Why keep all that weight on your spine for longer when its just a squat and squatting is not your sport.

If squatting is your sport, then different story.

I would prefer to box squat with a 2sec pause then bounce off the box like ben is doing.

There is absolutely no way that the Ben in the video (in the shape he was in at the time) could have done 1x405lb to parallel and with CONTROL. Absolutely no chance. The fact you are trying to explain away the video makes me laugh.

I wouldn’t consider what Ben is doing Box Squatting.

Looking at it again, i think the seat maybe more for the benefit of the Spotter? Ben is normal squatting, and the spotter is sitting.

Mind you, your not going to get me in either Bens position with somebody on my back like that, or in the spotters position (unless its a hot chick…) - it just aint gunna happen.

Is school out for the day already where you are?

I am sorry but I saw the picture of Ben doing squat on the bench like this, same… that was from 1987… So I do not know where is the truth…

Bro, I think you got the wrong video. This is an example of a unsafe squat.

Regardless, ( and this is not an attack on you fogelson) but when I roam around on the net looking at huge squat vids I’m always amazed at all the comments from unknown people who try and discredit the lifter because “his ass did not touch the floor!” or " he’s not completely parallel!". Geez, these people need to give it a rest! I’m quite sure 90% of the people who make these comments could not even unrack the bar in the video they commented on, let alone do REPS/SETS with it!!!

Totally agree with you…