Question on Isos

yes exactly

haha, what happened? Did you keep running and only find out afterwards?

Factory noises can be really load - esp where i grew up. Sometimes you only find out when you finnish your rep and everybody is standing in a corner Staring at something, and your like, “whats going on?” OR car crashes etc.

haha, what happened? Did you keep running and only find out afterwards?

I was sprinting and when I finished the rep I saw the red colored horizon and the people at the track asking me “didn’t you hear the explosion??”.

Sorry for stepping in to the conversation late, but I have a question regarding how to perform the Extreme Iso’s… I’ve been doing squat holds for over two months now and am curious about all the strength and flexibility benefits extreme Iso’s offer. In the squat I’ve been holding position at top of the thigh parallel, but I know that Jay says at the most extreme joint angle… so if I can get lower, should I start lower? Do to fatigue the eccentric action occurs and at 3-4min my hamstring are touching & possibly resting on my calves, is that ok? I stay upright, rooted, and pull with my hip flexors as much as possible. At that low position I also have posterior pelvic tilt, which might not be considered “correct” posture. I’m not sure? At any certain point if your getting lower the pelvis is going to tilt and cause some rounding of the lower back… Not sure what to think?

I’m not very sure on this, but I do know you’re not supposed to be letting gravity do any work, so when your hammies are touching/resting on your calves, that’s wrong. I would start at parallel and try to keep it there, if you’re dropping lower due to fatigue, take a 3 breath break (stop the clock) and then continue. Soon you won’t need breaks, you’ll just be able to hold the 90 degree position (hammies parallel to ground) and no worries about having the wrong position.

replace LD ISOs with EMS - much more effective in time and quality.