Quarter squats for jumping?

Is it a good idea to complement full squats with quarter squats for jumpers? I believe that Yuriy Verkhoshansky said something like this but couldn´t find the source right now.
On the other hand, is a good idea to do these quarter squats in a leg press machine?

yeah its a great idea…

deep squatscan be there all year round with less volume etc during comp time, but quarter jumps squats are what we incorporate for power development…

also, during comp phase we will do speed quarter squats with around 120% of deep squat 1rm…

works well power devel.

Cuban jumpers use 1/4 squat a lot.

i alsoke using them as something extra and during power phase. However I’ve mostly been below parallel and starting next GPP, I’m doing mostly ATG.

Yep, I do it in a similar way.

Would doing quarter squat jumps with a 30-50% weight be too taxing to do twice per week during leg lifts?

i do around 3-4x5 of those jumps squats with 25-35% of my body weight, very fast and explosivley 2-3 times per week, to end a high cns training session…

either jump squats, multi throws or hurdle hops…all pretty simular physiological responses…

keep that back straight use your legs…i see crazy stuff at york university regarding jump squats… its not about how heavy… how explosive are you…ciao

It’s funny you mentioned his name. I’ve always thought about this issue and I believe you should do both for volleyball players. I just believe that you get proper quad development and power when both are done; moreover, you get less chance of injury doing both as opposed to just doing quarter squats.

When you say jumpers which are you referring to? Long jumpers, highjumpers, triple jumpers?

Long/high/triple jumpers.

I believe it’s beneficial to all 3