purchasing EMS units

Looks like the same as the original. The only real difference/benefit I see is the “New Stronger 100mA output”. 100 vs 80

I have looked for hours now for the article on EMS that you stated was in the archives, but I must be brain dead, cant find it.
I see there is alot of talk and discrepancy concerning the EMS devices…I’ve read the stuff written by Zatsiorsky and it looks solid – except for the part where he says EMS should be painless when done properly,guess he never tried it?!
Concerning the devices themselves…I’ve looked at many over the last few days - Cefar MYO4, EMS 2000, EMS 7500,Vital Stim EMS 4000/4000R(russian),Compex MI Sport, Compex Performance,Cefar MYO XT etc…
My questions are: is it essential to have a machine that has 2500hz (as stated by Zatsiorsky) or are the 80hz-120hz going to bring the same results?If the 2500hz is just a matter of pain, then darnit, I’ll just bite down on something…as long as its doing the job!!
2nd)the 2500hz (russian) devices have a ramp time starting at 3seconds instead of the =/<1second as do the other devices;how important is this?
3rd)What about the EMS7500 compared to the vastly more expensive devices (Cefar/Compex)?How do they compare?
If someone could just pick the device for me and I’ll go out and spend the darn money that would be great…my head is about to explode from all the various info I’ve been trying to get on EMS! I understand the Cefar/Compex units have a “explosive strength” preset, but are they strong enough?!
Sorry about all the questions…all help is greatly appreciated!

quick question :slight_smile: sorry for hacking

I noticed that above 50 Hertz of ems rate, my skin is getting fried and the feeling of electricity rather than contraction takes over.

Is this normal ? I would really like to work at 100-150 hertz like it says on the articles but I just can’t… whats going on ? Why does it happen ?

Wish I could help, but you told me not to respond to any of your questions. :mad:

If our archives aren’t working, try T-Nation. I had an article published over there. Maybe their archives will work.


Thanks for that! I’m not very computer savy.

Thank you for the links guys! I’ve been searching the net for some more info on EMS and I managed to find a translated and version of the original Jakov Kots research along with some other research articles relating to EMS. Ofcourse,after reading the article you will notice that there still are discrepancies relating to which frequency (2,5kHz vs 50Hz-100Hz) should be used.
Any thoughts on that?
Let me know what you think…

Ok tried to attach the article and couldnt(what a surprise for me:))…
so heres the link,hope you find to informative/interesting…

To the thread opener
I have EMS 7500 2nd edition i’ve got for around 50 bucks and it’s more than enough for my level

At level 4 out of 8 I get a maximal contraction that burns the muscle and feels like 200% 1rm.
But it takes ages to work several muscle groups… only has 2 channels so it’s really annoying.

Another question for the experts if we are already talking about ems:
Why do I get a more powerful\painful contraction on my left thigh compared to my right ? I need less current too.

Is this normal ? just proceed the treatments ? or have i spotted something unusual

For the record I had paterllar tendonitis on my right knee so I’ve been trying to stay off it in my daily life (got off chairs using the left leg etc)

mass looks the same on both legs.

All I know is that the Compex stuff works. I also use anything from 75hz to 500hz and they are both fine for strength.


Is this the unit you have? I thought Compex had several models, now it appears it only has one with multiple programs. I now have enough money to get one. I’d be using it for recovery, injury therapy, and strength/power. Am I better off with another unit?


This one is good value for the money. I’ve seen it listed at $400 to $600 US.


Might not be on sale much longer.

Just a note to everyone. I would think twice about paying upwards of $1000 for an ems unit if you have not already allocated a budget for manual therapy.

You might need new pads… If you feel sharp pins and needles feelings the pads might be too thin get some new ones if these are new, get some better ones… You could try cleaning them with alcohol

Good grief 100hz??? I would pass out LOL. I have the compex and at 50hz my muscles on my quads contract so hard that the pain makes me break a sweat. I’ve tried it on my glutes too and its instant soreness. This thing really does a number on your muscles… The only place I dont get sore for some reason is the hamstrings and feet… But its an awesome unit.

#2, Do you have this unit?

I have a similar unit - the Myo XT from Cefar. The program array is very similar. Still very good value for the money. Do a search on the Net to find comparable prices - I couldn’t find any.

Isn’t the Cefar a prescription unit? How do you get it without a doctor prescription?

Also regarding the comment

Good grief 100hz??? I would pass out
, I think that you are confusing mA with Hz.

Are you in the US? Stim units are (or at least used to be) prescription in the US but not in Canada.

If you show them the $$$ they’ll sell it to you. I doubt there would be a problem. The only trouble I’ve ever had was getting bitched at by EBay when trying to sell one of my three units.