Protocols for Negatives or Eccentric Loading

I have just incoporated negatives into my training scheme for the bench press. Here is the breakdown,

10x135 Warmup
4x245 Warmup
3x275 Warmup

-1x385 Negatives
-1x405 Negatives
-1x405 Negatives

My current 1RM max is 385lbs; however, I can’t seem to do it in my current workouts. 405 is
%105 of my 1RM max of 385.

Does this seem like the right protocol to you guys?

I think a better one might look like this,

10x135 Warmup
4x245 Warmup
3x275 Warmup

-1x405 Negatives
-1x405 Negatives
-1x385 Negatives

BTW, I plan to do negatives twice a week bc for some bizarre reason I haven’t experienced the DOMS that most people are supposed to experience when doing negatives.

What are your guys suggestions?