Potential Speed Clinics


We are interested in knowing what location for a speed clinic appeals to you best.

New York, the only place in North America I could fly cheaply:)…+ new Yankee Stadium…

Please send me a private message for special incentive savings on this great clinic - details TBA.

The location has been set for Toronto- for those interested get in touch to book and to get further information on this important clinic/level 1 speed cert.

Great. Does the American crowd need passports nowadays?

As of June 1, 2009, everyone from every country that comes to Canada by air, land and sea needs a passport or equivalent travel document.

Get on it!

Chicago would work well – at least for me. Lots of connections, central location in US.

any chances of another one happening in australia?

We’ll note Australia as a future possibility.

CF was just there, surely a holiday in New Zealand would appeal :wink:

South Florida

I think you guys/girls should be working on getting out to Number2’s seminar in Vancouver and over to Toronto to see us- both are going to be amazing.

I want in! Please pm me.

Chicago would be a great location IMO.:D!!!

When is Number Two’s clinic, march?

March 7th in Vancouver. Might be tough for non-local people to make it. Should be a good conference though.

Where can we find more information on these clinics (dates, costs, locations)?

If you are interested, just send me a private message and I’ll add you to the group.

Somewhere centrally located in the US like Indianapolis or Chicago would be good IMO.

Any information on this conference? Highly interested…if possible, I will fly home from Iraq to check this one out…:):cool: