I read that you consider taking Glucose post exercise not efficient and that insulin levels should stay steady. Just wondering why? I’ve been taking about 30g of dextrose in 500ml water 20-30 mins before my training and then 1L of water during my workout (500ml with dextrose)…and then another 500ml with 20g dextrose after training. Whats your opinion on this? I was under the impression it was efficient…
This has been discussed in the archives. Try a search for opinions pro and con. i can see it for occasional extreme sessions as a driver of aminos but routinely, I see it as a problem.
I understand why you do not want the insulin spike post workout. The problem being that most recovery drinks do just that. So can anyone recommend a product that does not do this but still helps recovery. Or do people make there own recovery drink?
See that’s just the thing, I’ve been using it for that purpose. The sessions I’ve been having with my rugby coach have been rediculous ammounts of volume and really CNS taxing so I’ve been trying to get the biggest bang for my buck post work-out. Still a bad idea in the long run though yes?
study after study show that the combination of hyperinsulinemia and hyperaminoacidemia gives teh best impact in terms of glycogen resynthesis, promotion of protein synthesis and inihibition of protein breakdown. I don’t understand why folks would want to risk limiting recovery by avoiding this
Any health concerns are, IMO, totally over-stated. A lean athlete who is spiking insulin a few times per week isn’t doing anything harmful and I can’t see any reason why spiking insulin would be ‘bad’ in this situation
Agreed. Obviously you wouldn’t spike your insulin after running to catch the bus (I hope not…), but for prolonged activity that raises the heart rate (regardless of intensity) wouldn’t it make sense to restore depleted gylcogen stores through an insulin spike? If not, what is the proper method of recovery? (I’ve done a search - maybe I’m just looking for the wrong thing…)
I’ve heard of that - I figured glycogen restoration was more important then a small decline in GH/test levels (considering they’re elevated during exercise anyways)