Plyometric Progression Animations

Plyometric Progression One “Up”

General Note: All of these can be found on DVDs and in e-books with more detail at the Charlie Francis Store!

Plyometric Progression Two “Up”

are you bored???

We’ve missed those! :slight_smile:
Thanks, Herb!

Just increasing the tools in my repertoire. I am far too busy to be bored. “Boredom sets into the boring mind.” -Metallica-

Plyometric Progression Three “Up”

Equipment for Plyometrics

would you or charlie be doing plyo’s at the track after the session, or in the weights room inbeween sets???

After the track workout, or, if you are not a sprinter, after a weights session works too. This way, if the athlete has a good sprinting/lifting workout, but has used up all their energy, we can scrap the plyos and go for a protein shake early.

I typically do track work, then weights, mixing the plyos between sets when working indoors.

If I’m not doing weights, then I do a more extensive plyo session right after the track work, particulary during the outdoor season when we spend more time on the track. Then, a weight session might follow later.

Part of this depends on what you want to emphasize and why. Of course, you want both to some degree, but if absolute strength is what you want most, you put the emphasis in the weight room. If you’re looking more for elastic strength, concentrate a bit more on the plyos – working those when you are bit fresher than you would be after a weight session.

I don’t think there’s a one-size-fits-all answer for this.

The one-size-fits-all answer is to train the primary component of your sport first, and then move to less specific components. The most delicate component would be speed in that almost all other components interfere with speed work. I am not a fan of mixing components. If an athlete is doing plyos in between sets of weights they will need to recover first from the weights before they do the plyos, and then they will need to recover after they have done a set of plyos before they can move back onto weights. Exactly how does this help the athlete out, and how does it make things less complicated? I say, “Why bother?”

I have more questions than answers about where you place components of training. I’ve seen where some do weights then speed then plyo. And some that mix the plyo with weight work. Some that do weights then plyo then speed. And others just the reverse, which is what makes sense to me for the reasons you cite. But I’m interested in more discussion on this because of the varied approaches to how training components are placed.

I agree…

off the subject but what program did you use to create the animations


Pivot Stickfigure Animator

sweet…something else to keep me off task! :smiley: thanks

thanks for the input, like i said i do my at the track after my session, but did hear other saying they did it in the weights room!!


 I am one who likes to do plyos in the weight room but only if the track work is absent/minimal!  For example, weights mixed with jumps has been very beneficial for our program in times where there is much snow outdoors that prevents any high quality speed work.
 If you have a quality track session, I think weights & jumps may be overkill.  But if you can't get a good track session, then I'd call for the weights & jumps complexes.

Plyometric Progression Four “Flat”

Plyometric Progression Five “Down”