Please Critique My Bench Program!!! I Want To Gain Massively!!!

If you increase your overall body strength, your bench will increase too. So don’t focus too much on strictly bench pressing, try to increase your strength levels in squats, deadlifts and rows too. This will help you a great deal.

your program isn’t bad. i’m not exactly sure where your getting your percentages from??? westside says speed benches for beginners should be around 55-60%. board presses are meant to be heavy, 60% isn’t going to do.

post your lower body days. i’m not sure you really need any plyometrics since you have a lot of room to improve your overall body strength. plus, how much bball are you playing? if your doing 3 upper body days, 3 lower body days and playing ball 4-5 times per week, your asking for trouble.

since you like defranco so much, why don’t you try his westside for skinny bastards. good beginning program, will put on quality weight and get you strong without overtraining.

why so concerned with increasing your bench? improve overall body strength and the rest will follow.

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