Physical therapists in Melbourne?

Just wondering if anyone knows a good physical therapist to see in Melbourne (Australia). I need to get assessed for hip flexor/mobility problems.
I only ask because i have been ripped off in the past.


Try Garry Mirritis here in Mlbourne.

He is a masseur and is a beauty.He looked after Kathy Freeman and was always saught out by Colin Jackson and Frankie Fredericks when they were here in melbourne.

As a matter of fact he was invited to Nambibia to look after Fredericks when he was at his best and spent some weeks there but declined to make it a permanent arrangement due to family constraints and the fact that he had a thriving business here and a huge demand for his services.

p.s I have an idea that he was also a favourite of Donovan Bailey.

Go see Leon Shanahan for some ART:

Can’t recommend him highly enough.

while where at it,does anyone know of a good ART therapists in sydney Australia,have a calf tear that is taking ages to heal.