Phiri 1-2Double Big 12 Champs Videos

You’ve got a choice of 3 countries to compete for have you? Zambia, UK and US? Who you looking to to compete for?

I understand you had trouble with passports and stuff in the UK… bet they’re kicking themselves now…

Charlie maybe you could shed some light on how Gerald’s work actually works…I always thought the school of thought was train fast to run fast. He seems to have run very quick of little to no speed work. I understand what you ment by the races replacing the speed work but surely one or two races a week couldnt replace a 3 speed sessions?

Interesting thread…

Many roads to Rome…

He’s competing so much it isn’t an issue. If he wasn’t then maybe it would be. If you can run 10 flat off of that then just keep doing it and avoid injury. Another year and he will be at 9.90. I assume the weights are fairly taxing though.

Do you get work done on your upper back. It looks to me like you have poor thorasic (spine) mobility. As you get faster it is more and more important to get work done throughthe back as Charlie has taught us.

I assume he’s doing the 100m, 200m, 4x100m and maybe even 4x400m at some of these meets! That’s a lot of speed work!

this sounds similar to what Auburn used to do under Mel Rosen. i called it “survival of the laziest” cause there were meets straight through from indoors to outdoors with meets being the speed/special endurance and most of the rest was recovery from the heavy race schedule.

I couldnt agree anymore…I’ve got far more range of movement in the delt/lats/traps area since getting work done every week there.

That philo seem to work well for Mel.

Good point. If technique is so important, why did G-Force blow all these guys out of the water with no technical fixes?
Is this going to be kinda like USATF seminars picking apart Gatlin’s “terrible” form while he is mowing down the world?

No I don’t but I’m sure our trainer would do that. I usually only get worked on my legs and Hips. My thorasic IS usually tight. It’s tight right now lol

Well while you are recovering from your stress fracture now is the ideal time to get it sorted then! Good luck.

yea! the weights program is real good. I was squating 350lbs and Cleaning 110kg in April they are not my pr’s but they are heavy enough. squats are usually in the 5-8rep range and go down to 2-4reps later in the year. the weight is lighter later in the year. we also do alot of ab work.

Nice numbers bro.

Yep, that sound correct. I know Vince said they usually use the first couple weeks in the fall for teaching the lifts - 3x10, and if I remember correctly alot of time at 5 reps. They also do a mid cycle testing.

I believe Pat Henry coaches Gerald though

I know this, but I think they follow the same strength program. When Pat first came to A&M he allowed the strength coaches to design the weight program which was always m-w-f during the fall and m-w during the season.

that is correct… Coach Jones writes our strength program she knows what shes doing and she takes no nonsense. I think she writes the girls too but its not exactly like ours.

thank you :slight_smile: btw…the lifts were at 3reps. I dont squat less than 3reps. my 1RM in the PC is 127.5kg and 180kg 3RM squat last year.

I’ll say your good for about 430lbs in the back squat.

do you and the girls go to all the same meets?

cause i know some of them do real well, while others not as much. all the speed work and then a meet all the time would be tough.