Phiri 1-2Double Big 12 Champs Videos

I believe Pat Henry coaches Gerald though

I know this, but I think they follow the same strength program. When Pat first came to A&M he allowed the strength coaches to design the weight program which was always m-w-f during the fall and m-w during the season.

that is correct… Coach Jones writes our strength program she knows what shes doing and she takes no nonsense. I think she writes the girls too but its not exactly like ours.

thank you :slight_smile: btw…the lifts were at 3reps. I dont squat less than 3reps. my 1RM in the PC is 127.5kg and 180kg 3RM squat last year.

I’ll say your good for about 430lbs in the back squat.

do you and the girls go to all the same meets?

cause i know some of them do real well, while others not as much. all the speed work and then a meet all the time would be tough.