Phiri 1-2Double Big 12 Champs Videos

100-10.03w2.2 -

200-20.29w0.7 -

wicked running, noticed he looked over at clock about 95m in the 100

Good find! A lot of athletes there though ran quite a bit quicker than they have done since! pugh for example.

His arm action reminds me of lauryn williams.

random .46 pr?

I think that is what he ran when he was in the UK. He’s been running good times all year.

That’s what you get when you listen to Carol Lewis. She said “coming into this competition, personal record of 10.48”. Edit: I guess “this competition” means the NCAA?


I ran 10.48 (-0.8) and 10.40 (2.1) in May 06 then I pulled my adductor. I went into the meet with a 10.20/20.62 PR. I only did 4 meets last year mainly 200. I ran 20.92. I dont know why but I get hurt at the same time each year. End of may… After Big 12s… my body was all over the place… my right knee was hurting for the 2weeks leading to regionals so I stayed on the grass. I ran a very easy 10.32/20.90 in the prelims and the next day my leg was worse… Doctors found a stress fracture in my tibia last week and i’m out for 8weeks so no Beijing.

What is your current injury situation like?

is it because I lack shoulder flexibility? Its something I really want to change :confused: my coach has noticed but he has not really told me why my arms do that.

Mortac… I edited my post for you.

Congrats G! Sub 10 comming soon. Now what about that 200? How come so slow around the corner? Looks like you were a bit hesitant?

thank you sir :slight_smile: yes, I was. the aim was to run 40m hard then HOLD it but I slowed down. Its something I can change… I dont want to be a wallace spearmon :smiley:

Great job G-force, get healthy bro.

Congrats G-force! Those are very nice times, and good job closing down the stretch in the 200m.

Anyone else notice lane 1 flinch in the 100m?

It looks like your left arm action is better than your right. Your right arm stays quite straight through the entire range of motion except for the brief moment when your arm stops going forward and starts going back. Who knows whether it’s worth trying to correct - listen to your coach, though, as he’s gotta be doing something right.

I came to A&M in the january… so we didnt really have time to work on arms.

sucks about the OG’s, 8 weeks isn’t too bad, but stress fractures can be recurring if not really watched.

but you should be in a good spot next year to defend your big 12’s and make the ncaa finals and do some damage, esp with the relay crew ya’ll have coming back.

Yes, i wondered because you were in a wide lane which should be easier to negotiate. Think of the cadance controlled by the arms around the corner and that should control it. I’d guess you gave away 2 to 3 tenths.

Looking good Gerald…looks like the move to the States has been a great one…:wink: Good to see you keeping it real with the ruler arm still! :stuck_out_tongue: Maybe thats what works for you…We all remember what happened to Nick Smith when they tried to ‘change his technique’.

Which country are you running for G-Force?

wow! if only i had… :rolleyes: my coach doesnt do speed work… we do blocks to 40m and everything else is 80-90%. I hav run a 15.2 150m once and a near max 80m once. we usually run 150s in 16-18sec and 200s in 23-24sec occasionally mid/high 22s. personally I dont think we run fast enough. In march I had 3x150m in 18, 17, 16 and the girls (who have are with Vince Anderson) were running 2x150 in 17/18sec… I have run a pr at 10 out of 12 meets this year and my body just breaks down. I expect that but I think I would handle it better if we actually practised running fast?

the fast running/special endurance comes from the meets themselves. If you went too fast in practice you might run into trouble in the races. It’s working so leave it as is!