
Ok so it has been shown that the seperation of neural qualities in training is a good thing. Limit strength and RFD each draw from the CNS, but is it also true that they draw from it differently? So what I was thinking is CT is on to something greater than Ive seen him write, but he probably has thought of it, that since each neural quality is different and has a seperate effect/drawing on/from the CNS that while training one one week, it is being rested when you change focus? So its like a week long break for the quality, so a possible minor super comp effect with the specific quality could take place? Thoughts…

I don’t know about super-comp, but he’s mentioned hypetrophy week is also sort of active recover.
If you can do repetitive method stuff after RFD/Limit workouts, then I don’t think I’d do a 3way pendulum again. It’s just too boring to me.
Either alternate strength and power weeks w/ hypetrophy stuff tacked on the end or preferably do something like the new splits CT mentioned with a concentric, eccentric, and ballistic day.

Usually the structural weeks seem to be a deload for the nervous system and the speed-strength weeks are a deload for both the nervous system (via reduced volume) and the muscular system.

“Drawing from the CNS indiffernet ways”. I find this an interesting concept. Back to basics for a minute. An action potential (AP) is an action potential, regardless of the purpose of the firing nerve. I think the key to this this may be not the ‘way’ the CNS is being used, but rather the volume of AP’s. Obviously there is a greater volume of AP’s during a comparitive strength session than seen during a typical hypertrophy session. The Size Principle plays a part in this for example. As with any training variable, limtations on volume exist, and it is unlikely this does not transcend to the CNS as we all seem to have some grasp of.

this is true but we know muscles are effected in different ways, yet they are still called upon, ie in max work and dynamic work fast twitch fibres are used but in different ways. I believe it is the same w/ the nervous system, so while one quality “overreaches” with the focus week the other super comps because it isnt being used.

I agree with the overreaching thoery. This is unequivocal and has been demostrated in many studies and most importantly - in practise. Lets remember that overreaching is defined as- excessive work above and beyond the bodies ability to adapt to the training stimulus to sufficienty enable the body to maintain the current level of work for a prolonged period. From a training perspective, work is nothing more than a combo of volume and intensity. with respect to the NS, the volume of voluntary motor unit recruitment via the CNS, and the intensity of which the exercise is done (which determines the amount of large MU recruited - the size pricple applies here), I believe are the two main factors contributing to the overload of the NS seen during SSC and power development phases for eg.

Thus, I think I am slighty unsure what is meant by ‘fast twitch fibre used in different ways’ as a relevant comparison to the NS? It is true different trainings ilicit different training effects, but the underlying NS physiology does not change. Muscle improves via improved chemical/physiological function and mechanical function, whereas the NS appear to only improve form a chemical/physiological angle as it is not really involved in the strucural integrity of a functioning muscle. So, the muscle tissue and nervous tissue are only partially comparable.

The efficiency at which it recruits larger MU during explosive work is what changes over time. The power of the activity, first and foremost, determines the amount of the total MU’s recruited during any voluntary movement.

Jogging vs running vs sprinting vs max olympic lifting require an ever increasing level of muscle actiuvation to create enough power for the given task. Enoka has some intersting inforation in his ‘Neurochemical basis of Kinesiology’ books on this and similar topics.

I think sometimes in the search for improved performance, we tend to forget the basic underlying physiological priciples and systems that govern the training outcome we search for as athletes and coaches. I find it very grounding and insightful to get back to the basics sometimes to help give me some improved perspective on what I’m doing wth my athletes. Just my two cents. Interested to hear you response.