
I made a video of myself running at Max V. I seem to be overstriding a bit. I tried to cue myself to “step down” and drive my foot down to the track more quickly. Is this the right thing to do? Anyone have any suggestion??

Are you sure you are over-striding?

Perhaps this is just a reflexion of your top speed, as the highest the speed, the less distance between the foot’s landing and the CoM.

Depending on the quality/angle of the video, try and have a look at the movement of your hips, too.

Hope this helps!

By movement of the hips do you mean my hip height or my hips “twisting” in any way. Please let me know what to look for. Thanks :smiley:

It might be difficult to see hip twisting side-ways and from a video, unless it’s so obvious; an overhead pic would be ideal…

I meant hip height, yes; watch of the hips during lift off, are they going up at all and “how long” this is maintained… Or straight down after contact with the ground?

This is very important for your so-called “over-striding”!

After coming back on this, perhaps others will be willing to contribute, too!