Oppinion On This

Hey I’m new to the site. Was wondering if you guys could look this over and tell me what you think. I have some expirience in lifting and read a bit every now and then on it. I’m a DT looking to get stronger, more explosive, but not too much bigger.

Monday - Upper
Push Jerk 4x5
Bench Press 1x5,3,5
Seated Row (v-bar) 3x8
Bicep Curls 3x8

Tuesday - Lower
Power Clean 4x5
Deadlift 1x5,3,5
Barbell Step Ups 3x8
Calf Raises 3x15


Thursday - Upper
Medicine Ball Bench Press (high toss) 3x3
Bent-Over Barbell Row 3x5
(Weighted) Dips 3xF (after 8 reps add weight)
Close Grip Bench Press 3x8

Friday – Lower + Traps
Box Jump 5x1
Squat 1x5,3,5
Straight Legged Deadlift 3x8
Shrugs 3x8

Its hard to give you advice with only seeing one week of training, we also would need more information about you.

That workout is done every week the same way.

5’9" 230ish, bench 3x205, squat 445 (haven’t maxed since before season), deadlift 455(haven’t maxed since before season) Yes I know my bench sucks compared to squat/deadlift.

Still not enough information:

Training history
Training EXP
What level hs/college/pro
What have you been during

Never seen anyone squat/dl that much and bp so little, how deep are your squats?

I have naturally strong legs (use to play soccer also) so that explains my squats/deadlifts. When I maxed out I went 1" bellow parrelel. In workouts I got ATG though.

History: 8 months of training
Expirience: 8 months of training
Injuries: Bad ankles (no problems ever lifting though), tore a ligament in my wrist (use gloves with wrist wraps for lifting)
Level: HS, going into senior year
Weakness: Bench Press:(, using my hands on the line
Strengths: Leg Strength, gotten faster off the ball

How much training time do you have (hrs per day, days per week, total time line)?

How much do you clean and snatch? I’m trying to get a feel for your level of explosiveness.

Also, are you planning on doing any other training besides lifting? Sprints? Plyos?

I have to train four times a week because my football coaches want me in the weight room, but they don’t care what I do once I’m in there. It’s open 1 hour mon, tue, thur, fri.

I’ve never maxed on clean and I’ve never done a snatch. I usually do 145 for 4x5, I go for speed over weight though.

Monday: (Explosive focus)
2-5 minute jump rope (warm up)
40 Mountain Climbers (warm up)
Drop Jumps x 6
Split Jumps 5x4
Standing Long Jump x 10
Tire Flips 4x 10 yards
Cool Down

Wednesday: (Agility focus)
2-5 minute jump rope (warm up)
40 Mountain Climbers (warm up)
Zig Zags x 6
5-10-5 x 10
T-Drill x 5
Cool Down

Thursday: (Speed focus)
2-5 minute jump rope (warm up)
40 Mountain Climbers (warm up)
10 yard Form Starts x 10
20 yard Ladders x 6
40 yard Ladders x 4
Sled Drags 4 x 20 yards
Cool down

Is training time available outside of the 1 hr in the weight room?

4 day spilt: ACC block

Mon: speed work 10 and 20’s
power clean
back squat
glute ham
core work

Tue: tempo 50’s
bench press
db row
1: db shrug
1: rear raises
2: band ext
2: db curls
pushups 4x25

Thur: speed work 10 and 20’s
clean pull
back squat
db spilt squat
rev hypers
core work

Fri: tempo 50’s
bench press
db row
1: db shrug
1: rear raises
2: band ext
2: db curls
pushups 4x25

What is “temp 50’s” and “speed work 10 and 20”?

Can I have some clearification?

He means sprint work consisting of several 10m and 20m runs.
Tempo 50s are 50m runs done at about 75% effort.