Opening up -

In October I will do my GPP phase for next season and one of the things I will try to accomplish is an opening up of the arms in the front- and backswing. Now ,the backswing will probably take care of itself with increased power output. This leaves the frontswing.
Should this opening-up be accomplished by drills only ,or should it be the focus when doing speed-work too?
Also ,how strong is this related to suppleness/strenght?
Thank you.

Thor thw way i think about it is the arms/elbows dictate knee lift or back extension.if the arm is opened up further in front it has to have an effect on the knee lift.from the last clip of your running on tarmac i didn’t see anything wrong with with your arm action at all so why change it?

I’m opening this thread again to say that since those photos of me running on tarmack was taken my arm-action and knee-drive has gotten worse.
Now, during my GPP I have done a lot of walking and sometimes I can’t help but do a short sprint. The thing I have found is that when I’m wearing my old, thick 1950’s trenchcoat I actually run a better race than when I’m on track! I find I run with a lighter-touch and much better knee-drive and it feels like I’m really floating.
Today I tried to duplicate this experience on the track but without succes. Disapointed in myself I threw the sack with my extra shoes in it on my back, ready to go home but of course I had to try just one more time, sack and all. Suddenly, there it was!
What I noticed was that because of the sack, and the trenchcoat before it, I used a more agressive arm-action where my hands are farther away from my body.
On the way home I managed to duplicate it once more on a couple of short runs.
It seems that as the year has gotten by I have concentrated more and more on my legs only, resulting in just the opposite of what I have wanted to do.

:smiley: - soz Thor - just had this vision of you dressed as Humphrey Bogart
bombing thru the woods -
are you sure this jhelps ur form ?

I’m wondering if I should start wearing it at meets now…