I am just curious how many of you guys perform ol’s three days per week, i know many coaches perfer to do ol, squat, press each session m-w-f, and some coaches just perform them once or twice a week?
It wouldn’t be fair (at least for me personally) to answer this when the truth is I rotate their use in and out of a program fairly frequently (or focus on another aspect of their performance). On average, I would have to say 2 days/week (sometimes 4 days/week, sometimes 1/week).
how would u rotate them for a sprinter who may be during 500-700m of speed work, 2 bsq/wk, 1 pc/wk??
i cant do any ol lifts, due to a back injury that i try not to stir up
see coaches and athletes are voting twice weekly, why?? why not all all three session?