OL in a hypertrophy phase

I think it depends on the athlete. 1-2 days a week in general prep.

So ol’s would still be perform on the other two days, something like this:

clean pull 6x3

pc 12x2

hang clean 6x3

I think so, or at least, some sort of pulling action (maybe clean pulls instead of the pull motion).

I started weight training seriously at the end of the 2005 season really, although I had sort of dabbled in it for two years up to that point. The training goals are to improve my 100 and 200 time, but I think my biggest scope for improvement in terms of race segment is the acceleration phase.

I don’t want to focus on mass for the sake of mass, but I understood there was a relationship there between mass and strength, and mass was only a focus for a short block at the very beginning of the training year, after which strength and power would be cycled.

Like star61 said, I need to be able to convert this to functional strength, which I think is where my problem largely lies. However, I am not amazingly strong by any stretch of the imagination, but I feel my strength is not reflected in my acceleration.

The more I think about that comment, the scarier it is, as these two coaches between thm look after half the GB WC bronze medal winning relay team from last year!!!

Sorry to keep asking you stuff tamfb, but what are the rep ranges looking like for your comp phase, and at what intensity? I know you don’t really use percentages, but roughly??

Also, I managed a pair of hang cleans at 95kg today!!! Best I’d done up til then was 90 for 1, and my best from the floor is only 100!

my inseason program:

pc 4x2x80
bs 3x2x75 > 2x2x75> 2x1x75
bp 5-4-3-2-1

pc 4x1x90
bp 5-4-3

Thanks again!

If your focus is hypertrophy then I would cut the volume of OLs down to a minimum, perhaps to maintain them or sacrifice them as is the plan.