offseason training

I just would like to know what the best method of training I can do during the offseason (from july-dec) for 100m-200m sprinter. I have posted many times for ideas, but I haven’t really gotten what I was looking for. I am hoping for some weight lifting ideas (how many sets, reps etc- how these may change when I get further into my training) what types of runs I should be doing for speed and endurance and explanations on the distances I should be doing and how many sets and reps this should consist of. Can someone PLEASE HELP ME!!??? :confused:

PB: 10.88 100m
22.24 200m
7.00 60m

C’mon guys, I know there are a lot of 100/200 specialists that can help this guy out. I’m a 200/400 specialist or I would definintely help, but I stick to endurance more than to speed. Sorry.

Best method of trainning in the off season…well my first response;
Buy Charlies book.


Work on your weak points, in the 100m for example, the faster you get the more likely you are to get hurt. The easiest place to get hurt is on the track, especially in the 100m.

Charlie spends a lot of time in the off season away from the track. He often spends weeks on grass, in the weight room, and in the pool. I can’t tell you how many days he’s had his athletes doing plyometrics with medicine balls getting them ready for the explosiveness of the 100m. By the time “Base Trainning” was complete those athletes were hungry for the track.

I remember someone once asking Linford Christie what the secret to his success was, and he responded “I’m stronger in every aspect than my competition,” and in many ways that was true. By the time you hit the track you should be strong. So strong that you can handle back to back months of intense speed work without getting hurt…and in the end that really is the goal --> to be able to do your speed work inseason consistantly without getting hurt.

thanks johnny, im really taking your advice into consideration.