# of Steps to 20-60m

Does anyone here know how many steps
BJ took to 20m, 30m, 40m, 50m and 60m.

I know elite male athletes today are taking 12 to 20m, 16.5-17 to 30m, 20.5 -21.5 to 40m, 23.5-24 to 50m and 27-29 to 30 meters.

Flying 30 meters (11.5 to 12.5 steps = 2.5m step length)

How many did Ben take during his 9.79 post? I know he took 46.5 total steps.

Justin Gatlin took 16.5 to 30m and 27.5 to 60m, so his flying 30m avg SL was well over 2.65m. That’s out there!


Kenny Mac~~

This is what I calulate based on pierrejean analysis
of Ben’s race. My calculation was based on his average
stride length over the 10m interval. If you used
used freq X interval, you will get a slightly
different value about 46.15 steps over 100m.

Hope this is what you are looking for.

Ben Johnson
metres time interval steps/10m freq #of_steps
10 1.84 1.73 1.37 4.22 7.29
20 2.86 1.02 1.89 5.19 12.59
30 3.8 0.94 2.1 4.77 17.35
40 4.67 0.87 2.27 5.05 21.75
50 5.53 0.86 2.32 5 26.06
60 6.38 0.85 2.44 4.82 30.16
70 7.23 0.85 2.44 4.82 34.26
80 8.1 0.87 2.47 4.65 38.31
90 8.96 0.86 2.47 4.7 42.36
100 9.83 0.87 2.44 4.71 46.46


Kenny Mac~~

a lil’ correction, it wasn’t my analyse, the data is from the IAF Scientific Report/biomechanical analysis in Rome 1987.