Need help on routine

Need help pn routine for football
coach said to rest up after a long football season and hard work cuz he doesnt want us to burn out cuz after christmas its going to be incredibly painful in the weight room or something like dat but anyway im playing bball right now so i juss think im going to work out my uppabpody
all i have is a bar with 125lbs of weights so im just doing curls, military press, bent over rows, and pushups

anyone know anything else i shuld be doing and how i can hit my lats more?
I HATE rows
they dont even seem like they work

and hows this look for a leg day when i get back into the room

3 sets of 8 squats
3 sets of 5 light weight power cleans
3 sets of 10 hamstring curls?

What about barbell step-ups, or if no bench then just barbell lunges? I think those would be of a greater benefit than hamstring curls.

WELL Do lunges isolate the hamstrings as well as lunges? I dont want to get inbalances beetween my quads and hammies.

Lunges aren’t an isolation exercise… it is a compound movement… the deeper you get into the lunge, the more glute/ham dominant the movement is… the “shallower” is more quad dominant.

Ok And what is better for the glutes the lunges or stepups?

try doing heavy lunges like 3x5@295 and tell me what it work.

Alright ill give it a try but hey i also recdntly got athletically induced asmuth durin the end of football. Dont know if i will make it during the season the yr even when taking 2 puffs of my inhaler?
Is there anyway to get rid of asmuth or shuld i take mo puffs?

i have asthma and i’m not going to give you too much advice besides go see a specialist. sometimes asthma can be minimized with change in diet. a hepa air filter is a must. other than that, go see a doctor. there are a lot of great athletes with asthma, don’t let that be an excuse.

Well what do u do before practice to minimize it? I dont have a specialist near me i live in a hick town so i would appreciate any advice u culd gimme. wuts a hepa air filter?

i don’t think its right to give you too much advice on a medical condition. sometimes asthma can be minimized by change in lifestyle but you need to get specific tests done - blood tests, allergy, etc… if you don’t have a clinic near you, maybe look one up in new york and give them a call, see if you can have tests done at your local doctor and sent to them so they can evaluate you situation.

google hepa air filter…basically it filters out impurities in the air. its good for the main rooms in your house, especially in your bedroom where you sleep.

I also have asthma.

Definitely see an allergist if you can. A good diet has also helped me (mostly lean protein, fruits, and veggies.) I don’t know whether it’s the clean foods that have directly impacted my health, or the resultant decrease in bodyfat that has helped my health.