My training plan. Need some criticism and advices.

My indoor season is over and after a week I’ll start preparation for outdoor season. Here is my strenght training general preparation plan.

Monday-Strenght lower body(S-LB)

  1. One leg weighted squats 2x10 (each leg) 1’
  2. Leg extensions 3x10 1’
  3. Deadlifts 3x10 1’
  4. Leg curls 3x10 1’
  5. Reverse lunges 3x10 1’
  6. Russian twists 3x10 3’

effort 75-80%

Tuesday Upper body (UB)

  1. French crunchers 4x10 1’
  2. Bench press 3x10 1’
  3. Back extensions 4x20 2’
  4. Military press 3x10 1’
  5. Good mornings 3x10 1’
  6. Weighted crunch 3x10 3’

effort 90%

Thursday LB

  1. Power clean 3x8 2’
  2. leg raises 3x10 1’
  3. Squat 3x10 1’
  4. leg curls 3x10 1’
  5. Front squat 3x10 1’
  6. Toe touches+bicycles 4x15 3’

effort 90%

Friday UB

  1. Incline bench press 3x10 1’
  2. Calf raises 3x10 1’
  3. Dips 3x10 1’
  4. Back extensions 4x20 2’
  5. Weighted pushups 3x10 1’
  6. Lat pulldown 3x10 1’
  7. Weighted crunch 3x10 3’

effort 80%


Thanks for your opinions and advices.

  1. French crunchers 4x10 1’

Are french crunchers anything like French Crullers?:saint:

other name of it is “nose crushers”


What are you doing as far as track work? It is difficult to get a complete picture if we just have your lifting schedule. That said, I agree with zoom100…I would avoid split routines and simply do a full body workout after your speed days at the track.


Originally posted by xlr8

What are you doing as far as track work? It is difficult to get a complete picture if we just have your lifting schedule. That said, I agree with zoom100…I would avoid split routines and simply do a full body workout after your speed days at the track.


I’m not sure I understand what you’re saying,do u recommend doing a full body weight session after the speed session or on tempo days?

Do your full body weight session on your speed days after the track workout. That way, you hit the CNS hard on a single day and then use the tempo day as recovery. Yes, I know, you will not be able to lift as much if you hit the gym after the track, but don’t sweat it. If the goal is to get fast, then the track work has to take priority.

You might even be pleasantly surprised at how the neural activation from the sprinting helps your intensity. Volume however will definitely be affected.

If you break it up and do speed on one day, then weights on the next, you are hitting the CNS hard every day and you never have a chance to recover. That is why a split routine doesn’t work. Even though you are not using the same muscles every day, you are taxing, and ultimately over-taxing, the CNS.

thanks, that’s what i thought u meant!

I would also look at changing your reps on the big lifts(squats,bench,cleans).I would lower number to five or less.