Haha, this is one of the dumbest things I’ve ever read for a couple of reasons.
You’re 19, not too experienced with training, and just need hard work and time.
You can’t even talk about AAS on this site, let alone detail your use of it.
And what’s this crap about being self motivated? You’re a cheater, plain and simple. By breaking the rules, you’re denying honest, hard working people their shot at competing. So what if training was hard? Training and dieting and competing are supposed to be hard. Get over it.
If you need to cheat to compete, you don’t need to be competing at all.
You know, working is hard. So is going to school. Maybe I should just knock over a bank, or sell drugs. I’m self-motivated though, so it’s okay. If you want to call me a criminal, I understand. :rolleyes: