there´s at least two ways to think about it. I am thinking along the lines of trying Charlie´s idea of having all components present to some degree all the time. As you know, Westside seems to do this with their speed day and max day each week.
I wouldn´t use the chains and bands all the time, but I would always have some `quick´ concentric movements in the strength program. I haven´t used bands yet, but am leaning to using them in differing degrees alot.
One problem is that most users say they really tax the CNS.
Another approach could be the traditional hypertrophy - max strength - power conversion, using them in the power phase. I have used this alot in the past with decent results (without bands and chains), but am leaning more in the direction of what I wrote above.
I am starting to think more and more that even in other sports where max strength is more(?) important than in pure sprinting, you can´t switch on´ speed whenever you want in the program. I think this may apply in the weight room as well, and that quick concentric stuff needs to more around all the time, or at least very much in any
power´ type of sport.
I am hoping to soon play around with supramaximal eccentric loads and then instantly flipping to a light concentric load (with free standing squats in a customized power rack with a cable/roller/pulley system). We´ll see if we conquer the technical problems, and then see how the training works.
Louis Simmons (in the elite site articles) writes about eccentric training with bands, and CoolColJ mentions the eccentric forces as well.
The Norwegians have done (and I believe still do) alot of eccentric squat work, but it took them a while to realize that they needed the concentric contraction that followed to be quick. They (I´m relying on memory here) worked eccentrically with about 110% - 150% of 1RM, and then found about 50% of 1RM best for the concentric part of the lift.
Alot of people have found that they feel after working with bands they can get out of the hole alot quicker and better.
I´d like to hear more from David and CoolColJ and their reactions/thoughts to the bands. IF you´re around Lumberjack2051, I´d like to drag you into this discussion as well!
Clemson - I´m eagerly awaiting your report from the Westside seminar. I´d say 95% of what I´ve heard is positive, not a bad grade!