Mo Green strength?

Anybody know how strong Mo Green is?

Strong enough! Check the results from the US Open.

I remember seeing an article about Maurice,Ato etc on their track sessions and weights programme. Smith actually says that Maurice isn’t really that strong! Whether he was being sarcastic I’ll never know! As we all know its all about how you use the strength. Believe me I’m a classic example of that.

strong compared to who? other sprinters? yes. Ben and a Powerlifter? Doubt it. Ive read a 275-315lb power clean, I think he feels he is to the point where any further strength gains wont render improvment on the track, so all he needs to do is maintain.

This is an important point. there comes a time when you have to decide what elements must be limited in order for others to continue to move forward. the first thing that must be limited is the expansion of overall training volume, second comes the individual high intensity training elements, with a ceiling placed on those deemed sufficient, to allow any possible continued advancement of the remaining elements.

So Charile what are you really saying here? I’m 5’ 8" and about 175 lb. My bench is 295, squat 450, leg press 755x4. I run the 100 but can only muster 10.8, flying 30 is only 2.8. I really feel that the problem lies in my first 20. I just don’t feel I’m able to use the strength that I have effectively durn that first part of the race. When I start I don’t side step and I try to hold my drive phase for 30m. How can use my strength more to my advantage?

Perhaps there are technical issues. In the GPP DVD, I show how early acceleration can be aided by hills and med ball accels. The point of these drills being to allow progress without much of a learning curve or technical confusion.
Again, while you can add some or all of these drills, you must adjust your total workload to account for the changes.

This is an important point. there comes a time when you have to decide what elements must be limited in order for others to continue to move forward. the first thing that must be limited is the expansion of overall training volume, second comes the individual high intensity training elements, with a ceiling placed on those deemed sufficient, to allow any possible continued advancement of the remaining elements.

I have a question…let’s say an athlete’s strength in the sport of swimming is the weightroom yet his endurance qualities are what is holding him back…do you fight his genetics and focus on the Low intensity parts? Since it is hard to shift what is naturally weak should dropping most of the strength training to work on his weaknesses be smart? He is a sprinter and aerobic fitness seems to be more important for the sport of swimming since drills must be done to work on a artificial technique.

As aerobic fitness is so important here, is there really any conflict with a lifting program, as long as the work follows the high/low concept?

so what comes first? the expansion via volume of more aerobic work to support the greater intensity of speed or volume of quality work for speed…or speed to shift the speed of the tempo (in the same percentage)?

If an expansion of aerobic work is required beyond what is present, it would first be in volume, though, as speed performance rises, so COULD the speed of execution of the aerobic work (tempo speed percentages are upper limits, not specific requirements)

great dialog…some of this stuff is great! I hope for another forum review soon!

Charlie your expertise is fantastic…I will start designing our training work.

This is absolutely THE BEST site around! I am so impressed (and pleased) that Charlie is willing to share his knowledge with us all. His insight is so good that he can clarify a problem and provide an answer in a couple of sentences. WOW! Charlie you are one of the best teachers around. And that is what good coaching is all about. Thanks again, Charlie!

Thanks Charlie,and everybody else…now we start discussing aerobic fitness approaches too … good for us swim coaches… :wink:

Did you get my E-mail?

Pakewi…remember our plyometric talks? Check out Brad’s plyo push ups with bands…set the right length and color and your butterfliers will move!

Charlie: Yes,thank You.I will let You know as soon.

hey i am a 16 years old sprinter mt pb in the 100 is 111.36 and in the 200 is 23.58 i guess i am a bit weak in the 200 but i get better positions in the 200 as i beat the 4oo meters sprinters in,anyway i have a 200 meters race at the 4th of november and i will be running a 100 before on the same day,
i was wondering charlie what i can do to improve my 200 and what is the best way to pace the 200 at all my 200 meters i ran the 1st 100 85% - 90% and the 2nd 100 i run my maximum effort,should i improve my indurance and i would be grateful if you could take a look and my gpp phase training, in the polymetric session i will do 430 frog jumps ,running drills each 250 and medicine ball overhead throw and russian twistsKnee lifts
-Heel lifts
-Short skipping
-Long skipping
-Tense legs
-Bouncing stride Bound feet: 8X6 hurdles=normal

,the circuit training will be hills and abdominals ,zigzag running from cone to cone
August start of season
Competition week
Week 2 morning
Day Develop Session Effort Recovery
Rep Set
Saturday Strength general Weight training
Sunday General fitness Circuit training
Monday Strength general Weight training
Tuesday General fitness Polymetrics
Wednesday Strength general Weight training
Thursday General fitness Circuit training
Friday Rest
Week 2 noon
Day Develop Session Effort Recovery
Rep Set
Saturday Endurance General 5k 5k rp+10%
Sunday Anaerobic Quality 3 * 500m 80% of 400m pb 4 min
Monday Endurance General 5k 5k rp+10%
Tuesday Anaerobic Quality 3 * 400m 80% of 400m pb 4 min
Wednesday Endurance General 5k 5k rp+10%
Thursday Pool
Friday Rest

Week 3 morning
Day Develop Session Effort Recovery
Rep Set
Saturday Strength general Weight training
Sunday General fitness Circuit training
Monday Strength general Weight training
Tuesday General fitness Polymetrics
Wednesday Strength general Weight training
Thursday General fitness Circuit training
Friday Rest
Week 3 noon
Day Develop Session Effort Recovery
Rep Set
Saturday Endurance General 5k 5k rp+10%
Sunday Anaerobic Quality 3 * 500m 80% of 400m pb 4 min
Monday Endurance General 5k 5k rp+10%
Tuesday Anaerobic Quality 3 * 400m 80% of 400m pb 4 min
Wednesday Endurance General 5k 5k rp+10%
Thursday Pool
Friday Rest

Week 4 morning
Day Develop Session Effort Recovery
Rep Set
Saturday Strength general Weight training
Sunday Endurance General 5k
Monday Strength general Weight training
Tuesday Endurance General 5k
Wednesday Strength general Weight training
Thursday Rest
Friday Rest
Week 4 noon
Day Develop Session Effort Recovery
Rep Set
Saturday Endurance General 2 * 3 * 300 80% 400m pb 3 min 5 min
Sunday General fitness Circuit training
Monday Endurance General 2 * 3 * 300 80% 400m pb 3 min 5 min
Tuesday General fitness Polymetrics
Wednesday Endurance General 2 * 3 * 300 80% 400m pb 3 min 5 min
Thursday General fitness Polymetrics
Friday Rest

Week 1 morning
Day Develop Session Effort Recovery
Rep Set
Saturday Strength general Weight training
Sunday Endurance General 5k
Monday Strength general Weight training
Tuesday Endurance General 5k
Wednesday Strength general Weight training
Thursday Rest
Friday Rest
Week 1 noon
Day Develop Session Effort Recovery
Rep Set
Saturday Endurance General 23150 80% 100m tpb 3 min 5 min
Sunday General fitness Circuit training
Monday Endurance General 23505120 80% 100 m tpb 3 min 5 min
Tuesday General fitness Circuit training
Wednesday Endurance General 2
4*200 80% of 200 pb 3 min 5 min
Thursday General fitness Polymetrics
Friday Rest

Week 2 morning
Day Develop Session Effort Recovery
Rep Set
Saturday Strength general Weight training
Sunday Endurance General 5k
Monday Strength general Weight training
Tuesday Endurance General 5k
Wednesday Strength general Weight training
Friday Rest

Week 2 noon
Day Develop Session Effort Recovery
Rep Set
Saturday Endurance General 25200 80% 400m pb 3 min 5 min
Sunday General fitness Circuit training
Monday Endurance General 25200 80% 400m pb 3 min 5 min
Tuesday General fitness Circuit training
Wednesday Endurance General 23250 80% of 200 tpb 3 min 5 min
Thursday General fitness Polymetrics
Friday Rest

Week 3 morning
Day Develop Session Effort Recovery
Rep Set
Saturday Strength general Weight training
Sunday Endurance General 5k
Monday Strength general Weight training
Tuesday Endurance General 5k
Wednesday Strength general Weight training
Friday Rest

Week 3 noon
Day Develop Session Effort Recovery
Rep Set
Saturday Endurance General 24200 80% 400m pb 3 min 5 min
Sunday General fitness Circuit training
Monday Endurance General 23405150 80% 100 m tpb 3 min 5 min
Tuesday General fitness Circuit training
Wednesday Endurance General 2
3*250 80% of 200 tpb 3 min 5 min
Thursday General fitness Polymetrics
Friday Rest

Week 4 morning
Day Develop Session Effort Recovery
Rep Set
Saturday Strength general Weight training
Sunday Endurance General 5k
Monday Strength general Weight training
Tuesday Endurance General 5k
Wednesday Strength general Weight training
Thursday Rest
Friday Rest

Week 4 noon
Day Develop Session Effort Recovery
Rep Set
Saturday Technique & Speed 820 Drive540 Drive2120 100% of 100 90% of 100 m tpb 5 min 10 min
Sunday General fitness Circuit training
Monday Endurance General 2 * 3 * 400 80% of 400m pb 3 min 5 min
Tuesday General fitness Circuit training
Wednesday Endurance General 2
4*150 80% of 200 tpb 3 min 5 min
Thursday General fitness Polymetrics
Friday Rest

Week 1 morning
Day Develop Session Effort Recovery
Rep Set
Saturday Strength general Weight training
Sunday Endurance General 5k
Monday Strength general Weight training
Tuesday Endurance General 5k
Wednesday Strength general Weight training
Thursday Rest
Friday Rest
Week 1 noon
Day Develop Session Effort Recovery
Rep Set
Saturday Endurance Specific 2 * 3 * 200 80% 400m pb 3 min 5 min
Sunday General fitness Circuit training
Monday Anaerobic Quality 3 * 6 * 40 80% of 100m 2 min 5 min
Tuesday General fitness Circuit training
Wednesday Anaerobic Quality 2 * 3 * 400 80% of 400m pb 3 min 5 min
Thursday General fitness Polymetrics
Friday Rest

Week 2 morning
Day Develop Session Effort Recovery
Rep Set
Saturday Strength general Weight training
Sunday Endurance General 5k
Monday Strength general Weight training
Tuesday Endurance General 5k
Wednesday Strength general Weight training
Thursday Rest
Friday Rest
Week 2 noon
Day Develop Session Effort Recovery
Rep Set
Saturday Endurance Specific 2 * 3 * 250 80% of 400m pb 3 min 5 min
Sunday General fitness Circuit training
Monday Speed 2 * 3 * 50 95% to 100% of 100m tpb 3 min 5 min
Tuesday General fitness Circuit training
Wednesday Anaerobic Quality 2 * 3 * 400 80% of 400m pb 3 min 5 min
Thursday General fitness Polymetrics
Friday Rest

Week 3 morning
Day Develop Session Effort Recovery
Rep Set
Saturday Strength general Weight training
Sunday Endurance General 5k
Monday Strength general Weight training
Tuesday Endurance General 5k
Wednesday Strength general Weight training
Friday Rest
Week 3 noon
Day Develop Session Effort Recovery
Rep Set
Saturday Endurance general 2 * 3 * 350 80% of 400m pb 3 min 5 min
Sunday General fitness Circuit training
Monday Speed 2 * 3 * 60 95% to 100% of 100m tpb 3 min 5 min
Tuesday General fitness Circuit training
Wednesday Anaerobic Quality 2 * 3 * 120 95% to 100% of 100m tpb 3 min 5 min
Thursday General fitness Polymetrics
Friday Rest

Week 4 morning
Day Develop Session Effort Recovery
Rep Set
Saturday Strength general Weight training
Sunday Endurance General 5k
Monday Strength general Weight training
Tuesday Endurance General 5k
Wednesday Strength general Weight training
Friday Rest
Week 4 noon
Day Develop Session Effort Recovery
Rep Set
Saturday Endurance General 2 * 3 * 350 80% of 400m pb 3 min 5 min
Sunday General fitness Circuit training
Monday Speed 3 * 3 * 40 95% to 100% of 100m tpb 3 min 5 min
Tuesday General fitness Circuit training
Wednesday Anaerobic Quality 3 * 6 * 90 80% of 200m tpb 3 min 5 min
Thursday General fitness Polymetrics
Friday Rest

I would never recommend 5K runs for a sprinter and there is a lot of intermediate speed work and longer work than I would suggest for a 16YO. I’d get the GPP DVD as I think it answers a lot of questions raised here.

so charlie if ud never recomend 5k runs then what is the best way to develop a good aerobic base, i know mine sucks and is definitely below average. also wouldnt a good aerobic base at some point help develop the anaerobic system. lets say two athletes have the same anaerobic qualities but one has better aerobic fitness, shouldnt his general development be better than the other athlete (i know its not going to make him run any faster)