Michael Johnson Preformance

Wow, a lot of money went into this website.


Neat link, sadly it wont work on cellphones. I do alot of stuff on my IPhone.

lol, I never got into the Iphone or cell phone craze… But anyhow does it cost more for a web designer to make a webpage cellphone compatible?

expensive looking but getting to the point where it is too fancy to be clear

Well, Rupert, take a walk into the future:


I do this stuff (Flash, DHTML, Human Interface Programming, etc.) and Flash on a cell is coming. But you need a cell that can run a Flash player. Adobe has a player called “Flash Lite” that is being used by a couple of cell companies (LG, for one that I know about) to improve the human interface of the cell itself. Intel is trying to get Apple to switch to an Intel processor on the iPhone so they can run Flash.

I don’t know if you can go out and buy one from a phone company, but this is a REAL CELL THAT RUNS FLASH (including the MJ Performance site):


With respect to this particular Flash site, there are some very cool things, but it rather looks to me like somebody just took an existing Flash template (there are 1000’s of these around, some free, some not) and didn’t customize the ActionScript too well. For instance, when you get the types of training to come up, there is a small list, but no buttons to push (those should be Flash buttons, that bring up an separate movie/object for each training type–but that probably wasn’t in the template).

I’ve heard mixed reviews on the HTC handsets…the only real ‘feature’ the iphone lacks is flash compatibility…which I’m guessing will come in time.

The Iphone 3gs kicks serious butt, but lacks 1 software license from Adobe (read market monopoly).

Should be interesting to see how this unfolds.

An interesting aside from the developer’s viewpoint is whether there’s a Document Object Model response to indicate a cell at this point. Since flash objects have a presentation that is set in the .swf and the browser doesn’t control this directly, I take it that for flash objects to be useful on cells/iPhones, the flash will have to be adjusted for cells with limited screens.

Obviously, we don’t have cells with quad core processors, 4 GB ram, broadband, but there’s probably going to have to be more prep work done to make it all come off. If Apple did go with Intel so they could run Flash, the “critical mass” would of course appear quickly.

Apple won’t go Intel anytime soon- rest assured.