no, thats just the peyote. :rolleyes:

Looks like this thread is a wrap, I’ll give it a day before it hits cold storage. An overwhelming number of CF members feel MJ ain’t the man…oh well.



Of course it is a wrap, did you see my first post on this topic. Too bad, I don’t make polls and start my topics with “Two Lines worth of writing”. It was informative after my first post; it was basically a done deal. Like I said before if this was a court case, I brought the evidence and defended my case. People may have voted, you know it’s not hard to click yes or know. Defend your case, with evidence, facts and achievements thats what it is about.

And I did it best on this topic. And like i said i am handsome and creative i can tell you that.

Let it go into storage.

Thank you

94 voted - NO (83%)
18 voted - YES (16%)

Any thing to say to your fans?


CHA CHA-YEAH. I guess that what happens when you kick all the National Honor Students out of here.

Mr.cool is the best!

Yes and be sure to read “Ready or Not” Journal the second coming on cf.com. Pound for Pound the most charismatic, enthusiastic, informative detailed Journal on CF.com. You don’t get updates that consist of Numbers and posts that look like Math’s exams. Its honest, its real it is definition of motivation and perseverance.

This topic has been good like I said before. Its easy to click YES OR NO on a poll, people have taken the easy way out, because there is no way that you can challenge Michael Johnson or my first post. It is not easy to compile facts, compile evidence and defend your case. That’s what I have did with Michael Johnson the undisputed overall greatest sprinter of all-time. There is nothing that has even challenge my first post; there is nothing that exists that can threaten Michael Johnson sprinting career, as it stands in history now.

No Polls needed, I won this case, I am the only person that has complied, constructed and defended.

Mr.Cool I love you.

Phi lambda theta in the hizzy.

I agree MJ is overlooked. Do you want a cookie. I mean you frigin love that guy. Does he love you back though. Doubt that. These guys are player haters even hating on their fans. You have to understand this. I think you need to define greatest sprinter. Have you considered my four league bests in the middlesex league back in 96? Thats pretty impressive right huh.

So Mr. Cool please define greatest sprinter. Are we talking overall, fastest, or most world records.

Good day Mr.Cool.

P.S. I was dissapointed in MJ doing an ad with coors light beer. :frowning:

How about a poll to see if MR COOL should be banned? He’s just gotten on my ignore list (should have gotten to it sooner).

Shhhh. Don’t mention that word.

Mr.Cool. In the words of borat. I like uuu. Let me help you with your argument. MJ was the best blend of 200/400m sprinters ever. I think people take offense to when you just say sprinter because the greatest sprinter usually goes to the wr or gold medalist of the olympic 100m. Im not sure though. I do think that if MJ trained for the 100m he could have dipped under 10 seconds. I dont care what the haters say. And who knows. Imagine if he trained just for the 100m. Dont you think any good coach could have had him running decent times in the 100m if he trained exclusively for it. FO SURE. HAHA.I dont wanna hear any denis mitchell ran 45 sec in the 400m but had a bad finish in the 100m. You know why. Cuz I came up with that argument. Its like saying the stork population decreased and therefore resulted in less babies being produced in britain one year. (WHICH ACTUALLY DID HAPPEN). Are they connected. Im not so sure. In other words Mr. cool I cant doubt anyone or anything. I just play zelda now and eat cupcakes occasionally. The ones with really good frosting and sprinkles on them.Goodluck. You have heart kid. Its lightning outside and Im scared.

Nice rep rating also. Wonder what carl “24 second” valle is doing these days.

Honestly though. Do you really think MJ is going to be loved on a ben johnson forumn. Thats stupid. And vice versa if you put “mj” is number one on an mj forumn everyone will vote for him. Its not a true poll even though it wasnt really a poll. Get what Im saying. Its slanted here for obvious reasons. Not saying MJ was the best. Honestly maybe hayes, johnson or mgreen or even mj. Who the heck knows or cares. You could throw wats his face on the list also. powell maybe. Or the guy from chariots of fire. He looks fast. Who cares. Even ato. I mean you could at least argue it. Anyways Im watching conan obrien right now and its funny. Later kid.

Herbs commentary: (wait and see)

Yes you had three incomplete sentences. Improper use of peroid between who knows and trained for the 100m and used his start. ect ect. e.g.

Yes i do know this along with all my other errors you insecure hs english teacher. How come you dont use parallel structure in your writing hebert? Just wondering. Anyways, Im not taking the teaching exam right now which I “probableee” (three e’s cuz im krazy) scored higher on then you done did. HAHA. As a phys ed major too. Now what. I dare you post scores. Ill post mine too.

Its all good. Mr.Cool is simply a big fan of MJ’s and thats great. Nothing wrong with that.

I was hoping to learn more about MJ’s career in detail, it would make for some interesting discussion. Anyone?


The poll is still even…not bad.


Not anymore :stuck_out_tongue:

The poll was being tampered with.

The problem on this site, is that there is a clear biased with certain athletes and MJ is not one of the favorites among the majority. So it’s not a surprise to see the thread go in the direction it has.

Ben is clearly gonna have a supporting cast here for obvious reasons. And for the most part his stats speak for themselves…But I can’t realistically consider him one of the best sprinters ever and he was almost strictly a 100m guy.

The question or topic wasn’t about who was faster or who has the fastest 10m split. Mr Cool probably shouldn’t have said greatest ever since that seems to point towards the best in a particular event. But as far as who the overall best sprinter was/is, MJ would or should be at the top of most lists. With Carl fighting right there along with him…

As an overall sprinter, Carl was better than Mo. As an overall sprinter, Mo was better than Ben. And as of now I would rank Tyson Gay ahead of them both. The question was semi asked here, but i’ll ask again…

Would Mo have a harder time running the 400m or would MJ have a harder time running the 100m. Which one of them would fit in more? No 60’s, no 300’s. 100-200-400…

How is Carl Lewis a better sprinter than Mo? Because his 200m pr is slightly better? better overall athlete… maybe because of the LJ and history on the relay, but I don’t know how you could possibly say better sprinter. [with regards to MJ] Can’t be considered the best sprinter of all time unless you have gone under 10, simple as that. How can you be considered the best sprinter of all time if you cannot accelerate or reach top speed with the best athletes of all time?

The poll is even, seriously.

What will make or break this?


Davan you’re not making any sense. It almost sounds like you’re joking. You’re post is why I say there’s biased opinions. You’re opinion is based heavily and pretty much exclusively on the 100m. That’s only one sprint event out of many.

Being a better sprinter means being good in the sprints, not a single event.

As far as MJ, he was a better 200 & 400m sprinter than both Carl & Mo. No matter that he can’t or hasn’t accelerated with either of them. He was better in the 100m than both of them were in the 400m. I don’t think MJ would beat either of them in the 100m, but he’s better than them in 2 out of 3 sprint events. Which would lead me to believe he’s the better overall sprinter. Which is what the point was to begin with.

How can you consider yourself the best overall sprinter if you’re only prolific in one event.