You totally discounted the 60m (which you have no basis for except that it isn’t an outdoor event) and are only including the 100-200-400. The 200m and 400m are races of speed endurance. Top speed is much less important than it is in the 100m and acceleration is very de-emphasized. To me, acceleration and top speed are king when we are talking about speed. The 100m is the top of sprinting, the 200m is a cool after though for most. The 100m is equated to the fastest man in the world–combination of quick reaction, acceleration, top speed, and speed endurance. If you are off on any of those, you will do poorly. You can react poorly in a 200m and be fine or have relatively poor top speed and acceleration and still run great 400s, but you cannot do that in he 100m. Just a matter of my opinion, but if someone is not able to accelerate with somebody or hit the same top speed, I personally cannot consider them the greater sprinter regardless of what they do 18-40seconds into it.

Geeez stop the arguing its all personal opinion.

Neither of you are going to argue the other one to your side.

I like burrell, thompson, and churandy I know no one else does and i’m not going to argue anyone to my side.

So hey like who like, everyones right.

The argument is a “little” off, because neither of them is the best all-around sprinter. If you just take the best overall time, Flojo’s 200m and 100+200 wins. But if you take the best 3 out ot 60m, 100m, 200m, 400m, the winner is:

Marion Jones
6.95 60m
10.65 100m
21.62 200m

If you use Carl’s long jump, then Carl beats both MJ and Mo for the best 3 events (MJ wins if you count 2). But if you count only sprinting and you count Carl’s 6.60 for 60m and Flojo’s 50.94 for 400m run in college, using the points calculated by the Mercier Calculator, I have the list for various athletes’ top 3 events as follows:

Marion Jones 3095
Flojo 3078
Michael Johnson 3024
Maurice Greene 3020
Tyson Gay 2954
Ben Johnson 2938
Carl Lewis 2911
Allyson Felix 2899
Mike Marsh 2890

Nice call! Good research also.

Good stuff…


Both of these times were run at altitude. You still want to count them?

10.65 100m
21.62 200m

No one has dominated 2 sprint events like Michael Johnson did. He has more World titles and Olympic titles in two events than Carl Lewis and any other sprinter. No point’s calculator counts, i am talking about greatness, and greatness is defined on medals, titles and domination.

And one man stands above all the rest. His name is Michael Johnson. No athlete has dominated two sprint events like Michael Johnson has for 10 years he was the man. And he I still World Record Holder in the 200m and 400m, still the fastest sprinter of all-time. It is laughable and pathetic, that people are comparing a 60m time, and a point’s calculator to this, to Olympic Gold medals, World Records, greatness. There is no contest! look at that!.

I think if MJ was reading this thread, he’d ask you to shut up. … :rolleyes:



He is the greatest all round sprinter of all-time. He would not let a point’s calculator “A POINTS CALCULATOR”, even contest his achievements. Look at his career achievements, from championship doubles, Gold Medals, Olympic Titles, World Records, Prolific runs, and people are comparing a “Points Calculator” to them history making performances. There is no contest, when greatness is being displayed. So Stefanie, i am usually polite to women, but shut up and Girl sit down.

Look at my first post, there is no contest.

I’ll give this until 12pm EST and then close the thread. At the moment, MJ is the greatest of all time as decided by the members.


Lock the topic, stop the Poll “that i didn’t put in”, because this Debate is over. There is No Contest.

Somebody thinks a “Points Calculator” proves greatness. A points Calculator, over Michael Johnson the greatest overall sprinter of all-time. “A points Calculator” against…

[b]World Records

Olympic Gold Medals

Championship Doubles

10 year of dominance

World Championships[/b]

"There is nothing to challenge my first informative post on this topic, there is no athlete on the planet with the stats and achievements in the sprint events to challenge Michael Johnson.

This debate is over, you ether agree with Michael Johnson, and his career which screams like a shark tiring through whatever it see’s. “Just totally ferocious, taking on all comers, with no fear”. A athlete that achieved feet’s what was never reached before, greatness is defined by consistency, it’s harder to stay at the top to get to the top. Defending titles, wining titles, getting medals, breaking records.

"For 10 years, one man, one name was evident. His name was Michael Johnson the greatest overall sprinter of all-time. There was no need for a Poll.

Go ahead and lock the topic, because this debate is over.

Close but no cigar Mr.Cool, you almost made your case brave little pilgrim…but to no avail.

Better luck next time!
