although ill agree with you that possibly the majority of track athletes agree the 100m is the standard for 'worlds fastest man" in reality its a totally arbitrary distance. why 100m? just because its historically been that? why not 10m ? 40? im sure some football stars could smoke a fast 10.3 10.4 runner in a 40 but get killed in the 100m, does that make them faster??

I think in my view the 100m 200m and 400m are all sprints. since mj dominated 2 out of the 3 and holds world records in 2 then the crown of worlds greatest sprinter goes to him. yeah you could bring in the 60m but then again you could also bring in the 300…

The 60m is also a sprint so Mo has dominated 2 distances also. Look at the titles and records Mo has had then we’ll talk more! Complete and utter domination. World Champs after World Champs…Olympic individual and Relay golds…55+ sub 10’s…come on now…there’s no debate! Maurice Greene is the greatest sprinter of all time! All hail the King!! :smiley:

The 60m is also a sprint so Mo has dominated 2 distances also.

did you miss what canspeed said :confused: :eek:

yeah you could bring in the 60m but then again you could also bring in the 300…

I will quote my first post again. There has not been a sprinter who has dominated 2 sprints events like Michael Johnson did, 200/400m sprint doubles. There has not been a sprinter who has dominated like Michael Johnson. Michael Johnson is the greatest overall sprinter, hands down. No contest, No poll needed. If a poll was needed i would of made one.

Ability, over all sprint events, Taking into consideration championship medals he has more INDIVIDUAL Gold medals than any other sprinter in history! ALL GOLD MEDALS, no silvers. Michael Johnson is the greatest overall sprinter of all-time

[COLOR=Red]Greatness is defined by medals and consistency as a individual Sprinter there has not been anyone greater

Ok MJ we get the message already, you’ve made your point. :stuck_out_tongue:

Looks like the people here at CF.com have spoken, based on the poll…Michael Johnson seems to be coming up short for the title of GOAT!


Obviously them people are not educated, there is no way you can disagree with Michael Johnson career stats. He is the greatest overall sprinter.

There is No Poll, polls are pointless. If this was a court case, i would of sent everyone to Jail, with my evidence and defense. I wonder what people are basing their opinions on. I am basing mine on whole load of facts and career acheivements, Michael Johnson Greatest overall sprinter. If i wanted a Poll i would of made one!

you cant bring in the 300m cos that isnt a regularly run sprint event. 60, 100, 200 and 400 are the races we can judge on. even so, i have to say mj is better overall. mo is the goat at short sprints, mj at long sprints. also i think its fairly safe to assume that mj could have gone faster in the 100m if he’d have focussed on it or run a few more.

What are you? Nancy Grace??

Didn’t you make this poll?

Hmmm. Looks like you ARE Nancy Grace!!

However incredible that 19.32 was, MJ only reached 0.86 sec for fastest 10m split. You have to be touching 0.83 to win “Greatest” honours.

So are you saying that Donovan Bailey is the greatest sprinter of all time? While I would say that Bailey was the best 100 meter runner from 1995-1996, his dominance doesn’t approach Johnson’s Lewis’s or Ben Johnson’s. If you are merely saying that Bailey was better than Johnson at 150 meters, that is probably true, though we’ll never know because Johnson pulled up lame.

Nobody is saying that Michael Johnson’s career was an uninterrupted string of successes. No runners is. But from 1990 to 2000 he dominated the 400 and 200, and no other runner in history can say that.

Carl Lewis may be just as great, however. Wasn’t there a fellow in the discus who won several Olympics too?

No I didn’t miss it…but how can you compare a distance that IS recognised as a competive track distance…ie. World/European 60m championships. I have never seen a World/European Indoor 300m championships.

Are you educated? Your grammar and spelling suggest not.

I think threads such as this are diluting the quality of this excellent and informative site. Does anybody else agree?

I suggest a new poll:


Its semi worthwhile…hopefully Mr.Cool can bring something new and interesting to the table.


Listen I am handsome, and creative i can tell you that.

My first post was informative; I have backed up everything I said with facts and achievements. I sincerely apologies that I have not got phd. I am nice guy, there is no need to insult.

If you have got a problem with this thread, don’t click on it. It is as simple as that.

I just wanted to tell people that Michael Johnson is greatest overall sprinter of all-time, no polls needed. Polls don’t prove anything, putting down your information and facts, like I have with Michael Johnson, which is how you back up your opinion.

So if you have a problem, if this is too much for you to handle. Don’t worry about it, just don’t read it.

I am impregnable.

But you’re the member trying to make this personal, with little insults. If you are so educated you will remove yourself and your attitude from this thread.

Thank you

Mr. Cool, I must say, I like the cut of your jib. LOL. :wink:

Too bad MJ got injured so often…oh well that’s what happens when you live in hyperspace…

Is there a template running around that can be posted, it would be interesting to see MJ’s progression over time/event?
