methods for testing hammy vs quad strength?

I have a feeling that like most people, my gluts and hams are weak compared to my quads. So I’ve started doing box squats, lunges, and glut ham raises, which is definitely helping. But what I’m wondering is how do I test the strength ratio to see when the two muscle groups are more equalled out? I would imagine you’d want to do it on some kind of machine, because if you did some kind of complex maneuver, improper form could throw off the results, right? So should I just do quad extensions compared to hammy extensions? I guess that wouldn’t really be testing the glut area, how would I go about doing that? I have a feeling that my left hammy and glut is weaker than my right too, so I’d like to test each leg individually. Is there some kind of scienitific method for doing this? I’ve never seen it mentioned, and I can’t find it on any searches.

Yes, I know those extension machines are looked down on, but I’m not talking about using them for any period of time, just once for testing purposes, so please don’t scold me for that, I never use those machines. :slight_smile: I’d appreciate any suggestions. Thanks!


I would highly recommend that you perform deadlift variations to strengthen the hamstrings, in addition to the box squats, lunges, GHR’s. As far as measuring Ham/Quad strength ratio, I wouldn’t sweat that, just hammer your posterior chain(glutes, hamstrings, spinal erectors) and your speed/strength will improve.
James Smith

Yeah, I’m thinking of adding stiff legged deadlifts at some point. The three exercises seem to be enough to rock me right now. I guess I could alternate between lunges and the deadlifts, but I’ll probably wait until I’m not getting sore from the lunges at all. I’ve really never strength trained my legs before, so I’m getting massive newbie gains right now, but if that starts to taper off, I’ll switch to the deadlifts for some variation…