What is the most common weight of med ball that sprinters are comfortable with?
Charlie stated that 4-5kg seems to suit most athletes. It also depends on the bodyweight of the athlete, a 90kg guy would probably need
6kg+. I personally use 4 and 5kg medballs.
I use a 15 pounds and I’m 200 pounds. It works well.
For most people I would begin with a very light ball not more than 5 or 6lbs.
If you are dealing with children probably much lighter.
I was a competive gymnasts up to age 13, a lover of water and jumped my height 171 by age 14 and was competing nationally before highschool.
When I met Charlie at age 21 I was using the lightest med ball for 2 full training years before touching a weight ( other than med ball) and I believe it was 2 or 3k. I’d have to check my journals.
Woman will be very different than men ( very surprising I know) when it comes to strength.
Look for quality of exercises not quantity of weight.
I am with Angie on this one, med ball for core. 3kg for women and 4kg for men.
I train upper body strength in the gym,
lower body strength with hills and sleds,
what is the med ball being used for.
It will be used for core strength. I am 5ft11 and weigh 80kg so was wondering whether 4 or 5kg for the med ball. Haven’t got one to try, was just going to order one.
I had one and thought it was bullcrap. You basically couldn’t throw it against anything without it bouncing off in a random direction, so it completely defeats the purpose of a medball. The handles will create stress concentrations on the ball and unsurprisingly mine cracked after a month (I was throwing it off a wall). If you’re not going to throw it off anything then you might as well just use a weight plate for your core work.
Good points, seem obvious now you have stated them
I suggest it’s used for more than just strength, plyometrics for the upper body. 4kg will be fine