What should one focus during maxV besides relaxing?
Should he focus on producing short vertical pushes just to maintain the speed attained from the “drive phase” or just focus on horizontal displacement??
What should one focus during maxV besides relaxing?
Should he focus on producing short vertical pushes just to maintain the speed attained from the “drive phase” or just focus on horizontal displacement??
ive been wondering if i should consciously focus on bringing my knees up to a certain height during MaxV stage (flying 20’s)…thoughts anyone?
Other than that question, be sure to relax your shoulders during top speed but pump with them…also relax your face and dont waste energy tensing up…focus on driving your elbows down and focus on rapid arm action during Max V…dont try to focus on going faster, faster, faster, or else you will just tense up and thus will experience slower times…dont force it to happen, let it happen.
From what seems to be said on this forum it’s arm movement. I wouldn’t focus on bringing your knees up during MaxV, the only time I’ve heard to do that is at the end of a race like the 200 or 400 where you don’t have the usual ROM you do during maxV due to fatigue.
If you are in the max V pase, your kees are likely as high as you want them and further attempting to raise them may cause you t sit. Concentrate on the arms, and relaxation.