Major Plateau on F.Squats

I need some help overcoming my Front Squat plateau. I’m 180cm, 75kg and I’ve been stuck at ~70kg for ~6 months for Front Squats, but all my other lifts are progressing steadily.

I’m currently deadlifting ~150kg, SLDL ~110kg, Bulgarian Split Squatting ~60kg, Zercher Squatting 90-100kg, Benching ~75kg, BB Rowing ~75kg, so my Squats seem really out of wack with all my other main lifts.

My Weight Sessions generally look like:

Squat/Deadlift variation – 3-5 sets x 2-6 reps
Upper Pulling Lift (e.g. chin/pull-ups, rows) – 3 sets x 4-8 reps
Upper Pressing Lift (e.g. bench press, push-ups, military press) – 3 sets x 4-8 reps
Hip Extension Dominant Lift (only for squatting days) e.g. RDL/SLDL, Reverse Hypers – 2 sets x 5-8 reps

For squat variations, I generally rotate F.Squats and Zercher Squats (I haven’t back squatted for a while) every 3 weeks.

Any ideas why?

That’s a B & B workout. Bland and boring. Try a couple of weeks of heavy singles. Any unilateral work? How about heavy sandbags. Farmers walks. Pause squats. Pause jump squats. C & J or squat snatch. Change it up.
It’s all related.


first off, what are you trying to accomplish with this emphasis on front squats?

and second, if you zercher squat more than what you can front squat, then your F.S form is off (rack position maybe)

TNT, I do unilateral work once/week (B.S.Squats as I mentioned + Step-ups and Reverse Lunges). I haven’t really done much else because I don’t have much facilities - I train at home and have the basics (power cage, bar and weights, light dumbbells and cable multigym).

CF, my goal is general strength (lower body). I prefer FSquats and ZSquats over BSquats because they’re safer, easier to perform and they have an increased emphasis on the anterior core.

AH, I’ll post up a video of my F.Squat to check for form after my next weights session.

Let’s say you have 10 adaptation units available. Subtracting that used in your track workouts, you might be left with just 3 or 4 units… so you have to be very selective about what you do in the weight room. IMO you should select just one lower body exercise, one upper body push and one upper body pull to maximise the efficiency of your workouts. I would refer to the the old Russian charts to optimise volume - i.e. 10 - 20 reps on each exercise between 80 and 90%

e.g. dead lifts: 5x3r; pull ups and bench press: 4x5r @ 80%

And the choice here for lower body is back-dominant rather than front dominant.

I agree, and if an intensive track session has just been completed I tend to go with just the 2 upper body exercises. Usually 1 of them will work the back muscles e.g. Seated Row, the other Pull Down’s.

DW, are you saying I should just pick 3 (i.e. lower + upper push + upper pull) and not rotate in any new exercises at all?

When you say 4x5 @ 80%, does that mean using 80% for all 4 sets (i.e. keeping the weight constant)?

Also, where can I read more about the Russian’s training theories/methodologies (online)?

DW, are you saying I should just pick 3 (i.e. lower + upper push + upper pull) and not rotate in any new exercises at all?


When you say 4x5 @ 80%, does that mean using 80% for all 4 sets (i.e. keeping the weight constant)?


Also, where can I read more about the Russian’s training theories/methodologies (online)?