Losing a little mass; questions on tips from Vincente's journal

Clemson writes:


I would use less acceleration work now…and do more SP early to let the ph disruption relase more GH and this will help drop weight. Yes you are lean!

I would add two sets of warm-up with…yes single arm snatches with 45 pounds 2 x 10 reps.

4 x 3 reps clean with 90% loads

I would drop the Bench and all structural lifts for 2-3 weeks and add medball upper body circuits…(30-40 minutes of training density of 50%)

Do this 2-3 times and you will se a nice mass reduction."

After I finish my strength phase next week and begin pre-comp I’d like to start implementing these ideas into my training as well since I’m currently at 185 (and am lean I think) but I have a few questions hopefully Clemson or Vincente could answer:

With the medball upper body circuits, what does “training density of 50%” mean? Also, I assume these require a partner, might 3*100 knee pushups or other very very low intensity high rep upper body work work as a substitute or is the release inherent in medball throws necessary for some reason I’m not understanding?

Since I’ll be in pre-comp and mostly be doing specific endurance work could just working out to 200 help with releasing GH through pH disruption or would it have to be 300 or more?

I’m posting this in the sprint forum because I don’t want to hijack Vincente’s journal.

unlike certain “experts” that have weight tables for elite sprinters (I will let charlie comment on this fable)

I have what my gut tells me…and experience along with calling smarter coaches works.

For example vincente is very lean (4%) and yes he is since I saw him. Time under tension no matter how low the volumes are will happen if one squats. When Vincente looks at weights he most likely grows without touching a weight…soo.

Why continue gaining mass even if the gains in strength are nice.

Elastic work with med balls from rotational pushes and tri throws are very nice because the metabolic response is great and yes a strength loss in the upperbody can increase speed if the body weight drops.

Density is how much work is done per given time…doing and aerobic jog without stopping is not dense because the work is light…but a max bench is not dense because the rest perriods are high.

I have had this problem with two athletes…and it’s a cycle of injury…running too heavy can cause pulls…then you lift more because you can’t run and get bigger! Crazy.

Tony Dees had Anjanette kirkland run 150s after practice right before WC’s. I thought at first this was strange but his gut was right and my textbook knowledge was wrong…he used the runs a way to reduce her growth…(she was drinking the GO! drink like crazy!) she lost 5-8 pounds over a 3 week period and she went 12.4 and won gold. Now she is working in Miami with Tony Ross and I have no clue what they are doing.

For example vincente is very lean (4%) and yes he is since I saw him. Time under tension no matter how low the volumes are will happen if one squats. When Vincente looks at weights he most likely grows without touching a weight…soo.


I wish I had that problem…so what would be the opposite solution for a pretty lean ectomorph?
Density, Squats, Volume, Food?

ectomorph? Like me? sure…but no secret society crap. I post my face on my site! and give my name!

I wish I had that problem…so what would be the opposite solution for a pretty lean ectomorph?
Density, Squats, Volume, Food?

i know you’ve been following my thread…consistency is the key.

Yeah, I’ve put on 25 pounds in the last year or so, but have slowed down the last month. I should have put on about 40 since some is beginner’s gains and I was doing alot wrong.

I think I just need to see how many calories I’m eating since I really have no idea, and gradually bump it up 500. I just wanted to see if any particular foods or training methods (non-BB) are more suitable, etc.

For example vincente is very lean (4%) and yes he is since I saw him. Time under tension no matter how low the volumes are will happen if one squats. When Vincente looks at weights he most likely grows without touching a weight…soo.

I wish I had that problem…so what would be the opposite solution for a pretty lean ectomorph?
Density, Squats, Volume, Food?

My suggestion would be to make sure that you are getting all of your nutrients throughout the day, all day, everday. Analyze your diet, immediately fix any problems, and be consistent. If I showed you a picture of me when I was 11 years (and severally iron deficent) compared to now, you wouldn’t believe it was the same person. Consistency is key.

Thanks a lot for the lengthy reply Clemson. I’m definitely not that lean though I do think I’m under 10% but would need someone who estimates a lot to really be close to a figure.

Interesting point about the metabolic demands of the med ball; I could probably due throws against a wall as well as the knee pushups and between the two try to get to a fairly high training density; I know my gym has small MBs that weigh a fair amount.

Definitely don’t want to head down the same road as those two so I’ll make sure to follow your advice and good to see that 150s can work. Were they intensive tempo or 95%+? Could 90% for 2 w/ a walk around on the tail end of workouts work to minimize risk, and cut down on necessary recovery time or would this not be a high enough %?

case studies involve specific differences…are you getting massaged three times a week from one of the best therapists in north america? I :confused:

Touche. I’ll do the upper body high density work, move to cleans when I end my strength phase, and only add a 90% 150 on days when I have 72 hours to recover (most of the time once weekly).

Would doing the cleans before the day’s sprinting be a bad idea?

Yes, if the sprints were of quality work. Best to do the cleans after the sprinting. Are you trying to run fast or get stronger in the weight room?

Ok. I thought because of the low TUT they might be more stimulatory than draining but I’ll take your advice. Thanks.