look at my 58 inch box jump

the link to your starts dont work.

Hey Chris,
you have to SAVA TARGET AS…
then open from Quick Time.

Nice start, you are taking 90º and 120º in your Set Position.
Well, are you saying that your 100m PB is 10.19s ?!?!?! :eek:
Electronic time or Hand ?
Are you doing any kind of weight work ?
For how long are you train ( for sprint ).

electronic, I do squats,bench,cleans,reverse hypers,leg press,military.pull ups and core.

I train for about 3hrs. one day on one day off.

Hi Nic,
congratulatios for your progress and times.
What is your age ? And when do you start train for sprints ?

He is a “real” sprinter :wink: one you see when you watch the big IAAF meets - he was in the 2000 olympics, too - age 22 or 23 then, right?

@Nic: who will start in the olympic relay team for TRI - I guess you’ll be in it with Darrel and Ato? Which leg will you run?

Wish you the best and hope to see you win a medal soon!

maybe you´re wrong,
cause Nic was 13y/o in 2000 Sidney.
I saw his Public Profile and he was born in 1987.
Hey Nic, do you have a video from a completely 100m by you ?

no your wrong he was born in 1977, according to the IAAF.

if you don’t belive look at this:

Ok, i know Niconnor very well, actualy i saw him at last Pan An in Santo Domingo…
but how do you know that we are talking about the same guy ?

I was born in 1977, ran in sydney, I’m the first leg for Trinidad.

so, give me an autograph Mr. Niconnor ?! :slight_smile:
Well, definitely, you are much better in sprint than High Jump !!!

You know what? I thought about that in the same way you did. May be its not him and may be it is. I saw that guy at world championships in Budapest. He’s good. But then I thought. Why couldn’t it be him. I mean even if I reach the hights in the event I’ll still be posting down here. But if its not him then I don’t think there will be any problems. I don’t listen too often to anyone. Not even if he was a finalist at worlds. Cause the way he does it only fits him. But then I would love to make sure. Maybe if he scanned his ID from down there that would help way so much to clear it up.

Well, my confusion started because i have the custom to read the Public Profiles…and there is Nic´s birthday as 1987.
So, if he doesn´t look like N. Alexander i don´t know,
but definitely the guy in Jump Box video doesn´t have 17 years old.

I’ve updated my profile, The correct info is there now.

Look at this pic, then compare it to the person who’s jumping on the box,
You’ll see it’s the same person, ME.


Remember those Oakley glasses?

Remember them?

I had successfully managed to erase the memory - until now… :stuck_out_tongue:

Nick, are you living in Trinidad or Usa ?
How is your situation about Sponsorships ?
Do you have any sponsor ?
I´m asking because here were i live you have to be a sub 10.2 to start getting a sponsorhip.

Yeah, those Oakley’s are rediculous, but unique, so i felt you guys. Ato seems to be having a rough time, I wonder if his injury is bothering him. I will see him tomorrow at the Modesto Relays, maybe he has been getting ready for tomorrow, I just know he didn’t run very well at the MSR.
Nice jump and nice start, problem is many guys who saw that video probably went out and scraped their shins on a box trying to match your jump. Good luck the rest of the season, I gotta go, UPS just delivered my 59’ box.

Well. It is you. I’ve got a pair of these too!! They are wonderful. I love them. Well, anyway. I’m sorry for any bugging. I just wanted to make sure. You know, there are a lot of wanna bees around all the time. So take care man.

The First time that i saw Oakley Glasses ( alive ) was at Oakley Store in Universal Studios II - Orlando.
Well, all i can say is: Unbelievably Expensive !!! ( US$300.00 )
Otherwise if i had sufficient money…i would buy one…and put a sticker:
Only for Sub 11.0s runners !!!
So, the main problem is not the money, but the times ( so far ).