Light, Exlposive lifts during taper/in-season.

There has been a lot of debate as to what value this type of lifting holds within a training programme. Many coaches (including mine) use these lifts while tapering and during the season. I’ve heard Charlie doesn’t agree however, as the lifts are still significantly slower than movements in sprinting.

I’ve found some evidence indicating that jump squats with 30% 1rm may well improve acceleration as opposed to heavier lifts.

The effect of heavy- vs. light-load jump squats on the development of strength, power, and speed.
McBride JM, Triplett-McBride T, Davie A, Newton RU.

The purpose of this investigation was to examine the effect of an 8-week training program with heavy- vs. light-load jump squats on various physical performance measures and electromyography (EMG). Twenty-six athletic men with varying levels of resistance training experience performed sessions of jump squats with either 30% (JS30, n = 9) or 80% (JS80, n = 10) of their one repetition maximum in the squat (1RM) or served as a control (C, n = 7). An agility test, 20-m sprint, and jump squats with 30% (30J), 55% (55J), and 80% (80J) of their 1RM were performed before and after training. Peak force, peak velocity (PV), peak power (PP), jump height, and average EMG (concentric phase) were calculated for the jumps. There were significant increases in PP and PV in the 30J, 55J, and 80J for the JS30 group (p <or= 0.05). The JS30 group also significantly increased in the 1RM with a trend towards improved 20-m sprint times. In contrast, the JS80 group significantly increased both PF and PP in the 55J and 80J and significantly increased in the 1RM but ran significantly slower in the 20-m sprint. In the 30J the JS30 group’s percentage increase in EMG activity was significantly different from the C group. In the 80J the JS80 group’s percentage increase in EMG activity was significantly different from the C group. This investigation indicates that training with light-load jump squats results in increased movement velocity capabilities and that velocity-specific changes in muscle activity may play a key role in this adaptation.


Don’t see a problem could be very useful.

How many reps per set and workout did they 8 wk program entail?

How was the 1RM squat tested?

How many days of unloading did they have before the final test?

To me such studies do not mean much.

I run faster after I take a big shit. Is there a study on that?


it may mean your CNS is peaked and you are do for a big performance and then will subsequently drop done and make many trips to the restroom with diaherria.

I’d personally think jump squats have a place in one’s program, why not just make a progression from only doing heavy squats to INCLUDING lighter and faster squats in your program later on.

You really need to look at the context and the overall training program before reading too much into a study like that.

For example, if your only training was either weighted squat jumps OR squats, which do you think would help your sprint speed more? Probably squat jumps since they have an explosive component. The squat only program neglected rate of force development and power, so an activity like sprinting that requires these components is not improved. This is what the study showed.

Now, take a complete sprint program (like Charlie’s) that involves actually sprinting, plyometrics and med ball throws as well as lifting. Do you think there is a lack of activities that improve explosive power and rate of force development? If you think such a lack exists, then weighted squat jumps might be appropriate. If not, then they are just a waste of time and effort. Remember, no training activity is free. They all take time and energy and most importantly the high intensity components drain the CNS which can only provide a limited amount of quality output. Choose your activities carefully to maximize the training effect of your CNS output.

Great post!