Hi-SpeedMan, (etPJ)
Re 6x200: I was probably not smart enough to differentiate between the strength and speed-type 400m runners back in the mid-80s to mid-90s when I had athletes of both persuasions.
Everybody did the 6x200 at the comehome pace for the 400m target objective for that year.
Tempo ratio in the last six weeks:
Again too dumb to differntiate between what I wanted from the 6x200m and traditional concepts of “tempo”
I also considered 6x200 as Tempo. That’s partly because it was so slow compared to anything else they did. I mean if your guy can run 200 (flying at peak) in 19.8 (hand), then asking him to run it in 23.0 to 23.9sec IS tempo by comparison. Well for me it was.
Plus, I simply couldn’t fit classic tempo into the cycle of work without losing too much valuable time for “effort” sessions.
I suppose where I differetiated the most is that I wanted to develop the sprint stream twice a week and the cardio-vascular network twice a week - all on the track or sometimes the hills (in the case of the CV work).
So in answer to tempo in the last six weeks before the year’s major meet, I would give the athletes more time off the track, give them that extra time (really only three days a week at most) to get their rehab (massage, chiro, whirlpool/spa, physio).
I worked them pretty hard. But they thrived because I worked different systems very hard, but mostlly with two or three days between work of the same type.
Eg: If Sunday was a speed-power session, Monday might be 2x4x150. Then Tuesd is rest, Wed is speed again and it’s not until Thursday that we returned to something akin to the 2x4x150m (it could be 2x300+150). Or 2x200+200 (perhaps with the first 200m tempo and the back-up 200m at 100% effort)
I hope that’s not making matters more confusing, or muddy. Apologies in advance.
kk :eek: