Lactate Threshold Training

Does anybody know of any lactate threshold training workouts? I could only find a few and I’m not sure if they are correct.

Here they are:

8 X 200 metres @ 100%(4 min recovery)

4 X 75 seconds @ 100%(5 min recovery)

5 X 60 seconds @ 100%(2.5 minute recovery)

It puts the lotion on its skin

I guess you doesn´t need go at 100%
over 90% it´s ok.

Those reps mentioned at that intensity with that recovery time is ratehr impossible. Esp. with the 200’s after 1 200 at 100% with 4 minute rest the next one is likely to be at 75% and all downhill from there. Id cut the rest a bit and drop the intensity and do osmething such as 2x4x200 @80% with 2-3 mins rest and 5-66 misn rest between sets.

i definitely agree with QUIKAZHELL. i think i know for sure that 5 X 60 seconds @ 100%(2.5 minute recovery) is impossible. 60sec @100% with a good level athlete makes morethan 400m maybe 500 even.imagine that at max efort when ur legs are saturated with lactic acid and ur overall body is dead, wats 2.5min going to do?

as far as lactic acid goes, i kow of lactic capacity that is enhanced through repition runs with short recoveries ex 10x200m @75% with 2min rest, and i kow of lactic power that is trained through high intensity runs with long recoveries ex 4x200m @ 100% with full recovery.

Agreed on the lactate capacity lactate power stuff.

what lactate capacity and power?

All of these workouts are beyond impossible. Here are a few good lactic capacity workout I like:

6-8200 w/4 minutes rest done @85% of best time (workout done in flats)
300 w/4 minutes rest done @85% of best time (workout done in flats)
3*(300rest 3 minute 600) w/4 minutes rest done @75-80% of best time.

I don’t know what kind of shape you’re in right now, so these workouts may be too hard, or too easy for you, depending on your fitness. There are three variables you can manipulate to make these workouts harder or easier.

1)The speed at which the runs are performed
2) The rest time
3) The number of reps you do

all these types of workouts are classified as intensive tempo really. what and why is anyone using these is my question? do some of you find that there is a place for these runs in the preseason?

The point of these workouts is to accumulate lactic acid and keep running through it right? Would playing hockey for a typical shift(60-90 seconds) and then taking a 2-3 minute rest be the equivalent to this type of training? At the end of a shift you can really feel the lactic acid build up.

That is not the point of these work outs at all.

Ok… :rolleyes: What is the point of these workouts?

Are you insane? Do you read the names of the threads or just post w/o regard. Let’s break it down Lactate= lactic acid buildup, Add in Threshold/Capacity=how much lactic acid you can tolerate, workout= multiple reps performed in this case with incomplete recovery, so LA accumulates and . I would say that by definition the point of LA threshold/capacity workouts is to raise LA threshold/capacity. You may just have it confused with tempo work. Now this type of in between speed may have negative effects on top-end speed but are very important for long sprinters(debateable) and middle distance runners.

These type of workouts are also used to control peaking.

Can we actually train “Lactate Capacity” at 75% intensities at all?

why not? ur gradually introducing it into ur system through 75% and short recoveries, instea of just flushing it with one or two runs. so u train ur muscles to adapt to the lactic acid accumulation during ur workouts.

its really important as well even for 100m runners to have a good lactic acid threshold, which means they can maintain their speed for longer distances and even tolerate harder sprints workouts.

Maybe it’s interesting to you - a sample workout schedule of an Austrian trainer which made his athlete run 400m in 46.12 folliwing this program.
(it’s just "Meso-Cycle 5 and 6 taken out of a years program - 1 to 3 led to indoor season)

After week 24 special endurance was covered by competitions only, so would makt hte start of Comp Phase…

Just for discussion - on the other hand I heard his athletes usually suffered from stress fractions sooner or later…

Just for explanation:
LP= rest between runs
SP= rest between sets

NI can be I5 (50-65%) or I4 (65-75%)
probably you could say I4 is extensive Tempo according to CFTS
I3 75-90%
I2 90-85%
I1 95-100%

Some people might use mmol/L, but the trainer who created that schedule said it’s far better to watch %age of speed for same reasons like Charlie.

If I got it right CFTS would mean you train in I4 (Tempo) and I1 (Speed) only and get your lactate tolerance with I1 runs of increasing distance, too.

Yes at 75% absolute intensity. So for a 21 sec 200m runner would run 8x200m in 28 secs. This is different than 75% relative intensity which would be 75% based upon the best average time they could 8x200s in. I think you are thinking of relative intensity.

Actually I’m not insane, nor am I an idiot, so don’t talk to me like one particularly when you don’t know what you’re talking about yourself.

Lactic threshold is not the amount of lactic you can tolerate. It is the point at which the aerobic system is not efficient enough to complete the break down of pyruvate resulting in the rapid build up of lactic acid.

This is why tempo work (both extensive and intensive, although in a highly trained athlete there will really be little distinction) is very useful for developing lactic THRESHOLD. Because tempo workouts have such a high aerobic compontent to them they increase mitochondrial efficiency and improve oxygen use meaning that pyruvate can be broken down at higher intensities, ie: an increase in the Lactic threshold.

BTW I am a long sprinter myself.

Look, I didn’t mean to insult you but you were kind of insulting there yourself. You misunderstand, do you think I mean do all out sprints, with limited rest, to flood your body with as much LA as possible until your form breaks down and you can no longer run and collapse. Surely I’m not that stupid. The goal is not to produce as much LA as possible. I meant it improves your ability to handle LA because in these workouts (depending on the workout) you are at different points between feeling comfortable and being flooded ith LA. In the future just explain (It was a very good post) in the first post instead of saying "that’s not the point at all"when it actually is at least part of the point of the workout. Lactic capacity is worked in threshold workout and threshold is also worked in capacity workouts. There is a large overlap.
BTW I’m a long sprinter as well