Lactate Threshold Training

First of all, I would like to thank you for the time that you spend helping people here. I really appreciate it and I am sure everybody else does.

I have been using your 400 method for a while but without continuity. Since I had several problems in my Aquiles + training alone + no-lights + no coach my training was… more complicated than what I would have liked. But after the Winter break I decided to come back. I trained for 3 months (-2 weeks with a big knot on my calves) where I did 2xGPP of your system, and then 3 weeks of your transition phase. For the moment, I am running more 100-200 (as Nikoluski suggested) mainly because I don’t feel that the 3 months are enough for the 400m run. I run pretty close of my PB in both 100-200 (11.16 and 22.26) while the only 400m was a disaster (49.99, although I have to admit that the fear had some effect). The feeling that I have is that it takes me too much effort to keep the speed, so it’s either all in or way too relaxed.

I am looking to extend the competition calendar (I have found competitions until the first week of June, hopefully I would be able to run until mid-July). Would you suggest to keep doing some transition weeks? If not, what kind of workout would you recommend for the competition phase?

I have also some questions regarding the GPP for next season now I have “recover” the spirit!!! :).

1 - I was thinking on starting to train during August with the goal of competing May-July next year. What do you think on doing a short-to-long approach during 12 weeks (I was thinking on trying Charlie’s method) to win some speed and then embrace your system? This will make August-October (CF’s method), November-January (GPP+transition kitkat1), February-April (GPP+transition 2 kitkat1). The reason of this approach is that I feel that my speed is limiting the improvement and I have never focused the training on speed. Do you think that it makes sense?

Regarding the GPP:
2 - Since my calves are delicate I tend to train on grass. Let’s say that my target time is 47.50, this will make a 24.75 in the last 200. How much time should I add to the target time on the 6x200 (or other training) when running on grass?

3 - When do you recommend to start working on track? My process is usually: grass (no spikes) => grass (spikes) => track (spikes) and I start with 1 day/week, then 2/days week… and so on.

4 - Most weeks have “tough” days (300-250-200-… or 2x(300+150)…). I am not sure of one thing: how should I finish those days? I mean, if I go as fast as I can on this days I would probably throw up and some days (maybe) not finish. Should the target’s time be something like 36+18 in 300+150, for example? Should I forget about the time and focus only on the form? I read that you say to don’t try to look for something that it’s not there yet, but… I think that I would relax too much.

5 - On hill days, you recommend 10% hill and 360m around PB in 400m. I have found a 5% slope hill and… I think that the faster that I ran was 330m in 50", and I wasn’t able to finish the 3 blocks. Am I missing something? My only guess if the times are correct for the rest of the people is that I am really weak running hills!!

I am sorry if there is any question repeated. I have tried to read through all the thread (I have done it 2-3 times) but it’s a long thread and I could have missed something.
